Episode 199

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Usopp: Marines Commamd Branch 8.
Robin: That's the official name, but it's more commonly known as Nabarone. The Marine's most powerful stronghold. The command center is most likely in that central lower, but that's about all we know. Enough with all the technical talk already!
Usopp: Aren't ancient ruins enough for you? Now you gotta analyze some stupid Marine fortress?
Robin: Knowledge is power or have you forgotten that we're in enemy territory?
Usopp: I haven't forgotten anything, but we can't just stand around looking at stuff! I gotta get to the Going Merry to see if my baby's okay. Where are you?
Robin: It's reasonable to assume that the ship was seized by the Marines
Usopp: Why are you so calm? Don't you care about our ship?
Robin: Even if we can find the Going Merry, how will we escape with it? Do you honestly think that the Marines will simply show us the 2ay out
Usopp: Why I
Robin: Which is why we must find out all we can about this place, right?
Usopp: Yeah? I wouldn't be a pirate if I was scared of a few Marines! I'm done with this. I'll leave the standing around and looking at stuff to you. He went to walk off only to fall down by Robin's extra Hand.
Ow. Huh? Hey! That really hurt! More hands garbed him and hid him behind a tree
Marine: Found them
Marines: No nothing!
Marine: We'll capture those filthy Straw Hat Pirates. Leave no stone unturned! They couldn't have gotten far. There's no escaping we already caught the legendary Roronoa Zoro
Usopp: Gaps. Zoro.
Robin: Are you all right, Long-nose?
Usopp: Did you hear what he said?
Robin: The Marines seem to have realized the going Merry was in fact full of pirates, not ghosts. Now they're angry. We need to worry about our survival instead of our ships
Usopp: I don't care what you have to say anymore! That ship ship is more precious than life itself and I'm gonna go in there and get it back! Do you hear me? I've made up my mind so just stay out of my way! See you on board.
Robin: so stubborn. Robin was closer and saw someone.
Man: I weathered that wretched storm to come to a backwater base in the middle of nowhere. And they don't even have the decency to welcome me? Hah? Hey you! Over there!
Mar E: Sir!
Man: I am here to meet this base's commander. So inform the officer in charge that I have arrived and wish to commence the meeting post haste.
Mar E: Yes sir, but..Sorry, sir. It's just I have to ask what business you have with our commander.
Man: I have no obligation to explain anything to you, private.
Mar E: I'm really very sorry, sir, but I also have to confirm your rank and which division you're attached to
Man: I will explain nothing to you, understand? Now contact your commander immediately!
Mar: E right sir But I don't think It'll do any good.
Man: And just why is that private?
Mar E: Well, sir, this is the hour that Commander Jonhanthan normally takes for lunch, so he's probably eating in the dining hall right now.
Sheph: So call the dining hall, dimwit!
Mar E: But sir, you don't know the credo of the Marine command Branch 8 do you
Sheph: You have a credo?
He says the rules.
Sheph: Enough. You're saying that your commander thinks luch is more important than a VIP sent by Marinw Headquarters? Is that correct?
Mar E: Yes sir
Sheph: I can see that you'll be of no uae to me. I'll find the commander on my own. But before I go, I have one piece of advice for you. If i were you, I would start thinking of ways to explain this sistuation to the court mershal. He left
This sector no longer requires the presence of this bloated stronghold or the peculiarly isolated commander who refuses to step foot outside of it. The
Marinea doesn't need either of these outdated dinosaurs and I will make sure to note that in my report to headquarters. That old badger won't be eating and fishing on the Marines any longer. Enjoy your last few meals at Navarone, commander! For soon you will be relieved of your duties here!
He heard noise
Guess it was nothing
He felt a hand
[Gasping, groaning] he was folded and put on the ground
Robin: Marine headquarters inspection division. You'll do just fine, inspector.
Sanji and Stella were still cooking
Mar J: These new cooks are totally awesome!
Mar O: Amazing! It tasted even better than the guys from the morning Crew said it would!
Mar s: And the girl is as fine as the food.
Jessica: All right the next 100 is coming. Hurry up and finish!
Marines: Aye aye, sir!
Jessica: Here you go.
Jon: Uh, Jessica? This is the same dish you always prepare for me, isn't it?
Jessica: It sure is. Is there a problem?
Jon Well, my nen keeps carrying on about the incredible food prepared by the new cooks from Marie Jois. Don't get me wrong, I love your cooking. But I'd really like to try something from these new guys.
Jessica: Oh. You're saying you don't like it. The head chef herself personally took the time to prepare a meal for you, and you don't like it. Would you rather eat the same food as the grunts? I'll let you know that this meal was made with love and care just for you.
Jon: I really appreciate the love and care in my meal, but I don't so much like the broccoli and carrots.
Jessica: Have you forgotten our base's credo?
Jon: No. I'm eating see? It's good! Mmm!
Luffy: Whoa! It's like a buffet of deliciousness! Keep up the good work, guys! You're doing great!
Shin: What's up with that other guy? He just been inhaling the food nonstop.
Sanji: Don't mind him his job is to taste testing.
Shin: It doesn't look to me like he's tasting anything, and he sure isn't a very good cook. You two on the other hand are clearly masters, a true talent, and you're getting very popular among the the troops.
Sanji: Oh thank you. I'll be sure to write down some of my recipes.
Jessica: I have an order for table eight. And make it snappy
Sanji: Aye aye, sir! For a woman that strong and beautiful, I'd go through any culinary torture to make her happy. Done
Cooks: So fast!
Luffy: Hey that looks good I'll be happy to take it for you!
Jessica: Hold it! If you touch any of that, you'll be eating the rest of your meals in the brig!
Luffy: Yeah, yeah, no problem!
Jessica: Did he hear anything I just said?
Stella went up to him
If you blow our cover Luffy You will be getting hell when we go back
Luffy: I got this
Sanji: Who is this guy at table eight? Jessica sure seems concerned about what he's eating.
Shin: She's always pretty wound up, but it gets even worse when it comes to her husband's food
Sanji: My sweet Jessica's a married woman?
Jessica: No time for chitingtting, ger back work!
Sanji: Her husband is definitely the luckiest guy in Navarone, maybe even the world.
Shin: She's married to the commander of this place.
Stella: He's the commander? Wait, Luffy.
Luffy: Eat up
Jon: Thank you. You're dismissed. Right. Aye aye, sir! He just goes back
Jon: Outstanding. It's everything they said it was! It's surpassed all my expectaions!
Luffy stole some.
Please don't stop reading but this is what Luffy does to gets me mad damm your stomach can't be the only thing that is on your mind. Like he good but he gets to be mad sometimes
Luffy: Mine, too!
Jon felt some missing
Hm? He went to get one when Luffy took another one.
He was able to catch Luffy that time
Luffy: I just want a meatball you selfish jerk!
Jon: I see you've finally decided to show your face!
Luffy: Mmm.
Sanji: Dammit, we're already too late!
Stella: eyes twitched. I'm going to kill him when we leave
Jon: Welcome, Straw Hat Luffy.
Luffy: hmm
Jon: I am Commander Jonathan, chief Officer of G8 your sworn enemy.
Jon: Straw Hat Luff. I would rather not resort to violence. In the dining hall so please be civil. Just answer me one question if you would be so kind. Luffy: If I answer it, can I split that food with you?
Jon: If you answer the question you can have all of it.
Luffy: Really? You got a deal! Sorry, I called you a jerk!
Sanji: You idiot! Hurry up and get outta there!
Jon: No matter how hard I try, I can figure out your purpose here. I am certain that Captin Smoker is the one who defeated Crorodile and in Alabasta, your shenanigans resulted in your discernable gain. They acquired you neither fame nor fortune. Your motives remain a mystery, and I want to know why it is you who came to Navarone of all places.
Luffy: That easy we came from the sky. This is just where we landed. Here in the grand line, it's just one crazy thing after another. I gotta say I'm really starting to like this fortress.
The food here is great.
Jon: You should know that even with the power of the devil's fruit, one will find that escape from our charming little fortress is impossible. It would take nothing short of a miracle. Checkmate.
Luffy: I'll leave when I'm good and ready, Mister Commander! Laughs
Jon: I'll doubt you talk when you hear that we've captured Zoro.
Luffy: Huh Zoro
Sanji: That idiot
Stella: You know I might kill both of them
Luffy: All right, fortress guy. Where's Zoro?
I like it when he's serious
Jom: Who did you ask
Luffy: Well, why do think? So I can find him and rescue my friends
Jon: Don't be so hasty. You'll be joining the swordsman soon enough. I'll make sure of that. He steps forward
[Both gasp]
Stella grabs Luffy.
You'll blow our cover! We gotta get outta here!
Jessica was in front of them.
Jessica: Such a shame for someone with skill like you guys to waste their life as a filthy Straw hat Pirate!
Man: Give up while you still can, Pirates! The cooks of Navarone are even tougher than the soldiers.
Sanji: Heh bring it on. I came from cooks that made you look like schoolgirls playing house!
Mind Buts still I can't attack Jessica.
What are we gonna di
Stella: Mind knowing Sanji he won't fight Jessica. But I gladly will
The marines came closer to them
The other 100 marines came in giving the three of the them time to escape
I'm truly sorry I will be skipping Usopp's part it just leads to him getting caught by the marines trying to act like the inspector which Robin was already doing.
Usopp was able to find the Going Merry and got caught that he was the inspector by Robin telling them she didn't know him which led into get in the same cell as Zoro
Zoro I can't believe Robin. Does she suddenly hate me now or something?
She just flat out stabbed me in the back! That's messed up, right Zoro? She ratted me out. If she had only gone along with what I said, we probably would have had the Merry back by now!
Zoro: You should be more grateful to Robin.
Usopp:Why? Should I be grateful for her?
Zoro: Cause it means you're with me now.
Usopp: I see. Robin knew that I would teally be safer here with you. She was thinking of my well being all along. But still. This place doesn't seem that safe.
There were guns ponited at them
Robin: Perhaps I shouldn't have started researching this base. We may have had a chance for a clean escape earlier. Look like there's only one way out of this place.
Luffy: Zoro! Where are you, Zoro? Come out...
Sanji" Shut up will ya? You're gonna get us caught!
Stella: this way. She grabbed both of the boys
Marine s: so far we captaured, Zoro, and another man with a really long nose!
Marine R: Straw hat Luffy Bandana Scarf Stella and the rest of their crew have got to be close. Find them!
Stella had here hands on both their mouth.
What do we do now
Jon: Straw Hat Luffy Bandana Scarf Stella and a very skilled cook a warrior and a man with a long nose a doctor and a nutse we've yet to see.
And one more who calls herself Major Shepherd. That makes eight crewmebers. It's all starting to make sense. We've already captured the ship as well as two members of the crew. The remaing Straw Hats are within our reach. So what is your next move, Monkey D. Luffy? Stella? I supposed I'll have to sit back and see for myself.

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