my light in the dark

23 1 0

Tw- self harm, struggles with mental health

Age: 14

Scars age: 38

Word count: 623

Scarlett sat at the kitchen table, sipping her morning coffee while glancing through the script for her upcoming film. Her mind buzzed with lines and scenes, but underneath the surface, a mother's intuition nagged at her. Y/n, her eldest daughter, seemed distant lately, lost in her own world of teenage complexities.

Y/n shuffled into the kitchen, her eyes heavy with exhaustion despite the early hour. She grabbed a granola bar from the pantry, her movements sluggish. Scarlett watched her daughter's listless demeanour with growing concern, the first inkling of worry stirring in her chest.

"Morning, sweetheart," Scarlett greeted, her voice laced with gentle concern. "Did you sleep okay?"

Y/n shrugged noncommittally, her gaze fixed on the floor. "Yeah, I guess."

Scarlett sighed inwardly, feeling the gap between them widen with each passing day. She longed to bridge it, to connect with her daughter on a deeper level, but the walls y/n had built seemed impenetrable.

As days turned into weeks, Scarlett couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Y/n withdrew further, retreating into her own world of silence and solitude. She spent hours locked away in her room, the only company the haunting whispers of her thoughts.

One evening, as Scarlett tucked Rose and Cosmo into bed, she noticed the telltale signs etched on y/n's arms – faint scars crisscrossing her skin like silent pleas for help. Her heart clenched with a mixture of guilt and anguish. How could she have missed the signs?

Determined to break through y/n's walls, Scarlett broached the subject delicately, her voice a tender whisper in the darkness of y/n's room.

"Sweetheart, can we talk?" Scarlett's voice trembled with uncertainty, her motherly instincts warring with fear of rejection.

Y/n's gaze flickered to her mother, a mix of surprise and apprehension swirling in her eyes. She nodded silently, inviting Scarlett to tread carefully into the depths of her pain.

With each word exchanged, layers of hurt and confusion peeled away, revealing the raw vulnerability beneath. Y/n spoke of the suffocating weight of her thoughts, the relentless whispers that plagued her mind day and night. She spoke of the numbness that consumed her, leaving her drowning in a sea of despair.

Scarlett listened, her heart breaking with each confession. How had she failed to see the storm raging within her own daughter? Guilt gnawed at her insides, a relentless reminder of her shortcomings as a mother.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged – the realization that it was not too late to help her daughter find her way back to the light. Scarlett vowed to stand by y/n's side to guide her through the darkness with unwavering love and support.

Together, they sought help – therapy sessions, medication, and open-hearted conversations became their lifelines in the battle against y/n's inner demons. It was a slow and arduous journey, marked by setbacks and tears, but through it all, Scarlett remained steadfast in her commitment to her daughter's healing.

As the days turned into months, y/n began to find solace in the warmth of her family's embrace. With each passing day, the shadows receded, replaced by a newfound sense of hope and resilience. Scarlett watched with pride as her daughter blossomed, her spirit unbroken by the darkness that once threatened to consume her.

And though scars marred y/n's skin, they served as a poignant reminder of the battles she had fought and the strength she had found within herself. In their wake, a legacy of love and resilience endured, a testament to the unbreakable bond between a mother and her daughter.

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