Chapter 2: And It Gets Worse...

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    I woke up the next morning not nearly as rested as I should have been. Afterall, class starts in 3 days, so this is the last time I will be able to get relatively stress-free rest until the summer. But even the thought of that instrument being there all the time... it just bugged me. What if there's more? What if he has to learn how to play the violin or something and it's just screeching sounds from here on out? I tried to distract myself with breakfast, only to realize that I hadn't bought any food yet. That blows. I change out of my pajamas into some regular clothes before leaving the dorm to scrounge for some food. It's nothing special, just a plain white t-shirt and some dark-wash jeans. Oh, and my headphones. I can't leave anywhere without them. Now, where to get food? There's probably a dining hall nearby or at the very least a fast food restaurant I can grab a quick bite from. I step out into the hall to find two people arguing. It's way too early for this.

    The people fighting seem to be from across the hall, or, at the very least, friends of the people across the hall. The first of them is short, with ginger hair and way too much energy for this time of day. Hopefully he's a morning person so I'll still be able to have peaceful nights in college. The other one is just a little shorter than me, with a little more sense to keep it down, but also having a kind of blank look in his eyes. He seems irritating. I don't know him yet, but something about him upsets me. I can already tell I'm not going to like either of them.

    "Kageyama, stop! Our neighbor's outside!"

    "You're the dumbass that wanted to be in the hallway, that's your problem!"
    "Alright then!"

    The short one turned towards me and I felt my stomach drop. I did not want to deal with this. I just wanted my food. But no, I couldn't remember to do one thing and it would mess up my whole first day living here. Just great. I guess I'm probably going to have to talk to these people now. Not really how I wanted to spend my morning. Or any morning. They're really getting on my nerves.

    "Hi! You also live here, right?"

    "Of course he lives here dumbass, he just left a dorm room!"

    "Shut up Kageyama. Anyway, my name's Hinata, Hinata Shoyo. And yours is?"



    "To you guys, just Tsukkishima. Have a good day." I said, walking away. I thought I was in the clear, and then they both started following me. The taller one, Kageyama, seemed to be cautious about it, at least having the dignity to try and make it look like he wasn't following me. The shorter one wouldn't know subtlety if it hit him in the face. He followed closely behind me, trying to ask as many questions as he could before I reached the end of the hallway.

    "Are you a first-year too? What's your major? Is it something fun? Are you learning a new language too? Do you play sports? You're really tall. How tall are you? Do you like volleyball? We're on the team, and I'm sure someone as tall as you could at least be allowed in. I know I'm short, but I can jump really high. How high can you jump?"

    "I'm..." He looked really excited, I almost felt bad. Almost. "On my way to breakfast. I'll catch you guys around." I said before walking out the door. I could hear the sound of the other one seeming annoyed as I left.

    "What's wrong with that guy? I just wanted to be friends."
    "Hinata you dumbass, you asked too many questions."

"Yeah, like you would do any better! How many friends do you have right now?"

"You. If you're so much better at this, how many friends do you have right now?"

"You. Why don't we make some breakfast before trying again?"

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