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“I missed you so much,” Jennie's soft voice whispers in my ear as she trails kisses on my neck and jaw.We’re standing in the middle of my room as she moans softly.My hand rests around her waist just so I can force her in place when she tries to kiss my mouth.

It’s illogical and makes no bloody sense, but I haven’t kissed her or allowed her to kiss me since that damn night I lost all control a week ago.And earlier today. My eyes close in remembrance of his lips, his hard body, and the way
he kissed me.

I shove all that chaos out of my mind.

It didn’t happen.

It’s nothing.

If I think that long enough, maybe this whole thing will blow over and I’ll go back to my safe little bubble. Jennie doesn’t mind the subtle rejection. I don’t think she cares. It’s why I keep her close. She’s fine with the relationship staying shallow. She never probes, never asks any stupid questions. And she certainly doesn’t ask what happened to my bandaged hand every day like a certain twat who refuses to give up. Since I couldn’t avoid her any longer, I invited her over to my room after dinner at a posh restaurant. Instead of eating, I spent most of the time taking her pictures and pretending I wasn’t bored out of my fucking mind.

I tried dropping her off at the dorms and leaving, but she wasn’t having it tonight and insisted that I had to see her lingerie. I did. It’s pretty, I guess. A one-piece transparent red lace thing that showcases her nipples and has an opening to her pussy. The tight, strappy material clings to her skin, complementing her curvy figure. But I’d still rather we didn’t have to do this.

For me, sex has always been a constant state of mundane release. I could do without it, and I did for months, but it could have been forever, to be honest, which is why jennie went to find it elsewhere. Unlike what V and the others think, I don’t mind. My only problem is the secrecy. I told her we could be in an open relationship, and she became mental, demanding monogamy she can’t keep up with.

She can fuck whoever she likes, but tonight, she’s decided that’s going to be me.

“You smell so good, babe.”

I try to stay in the moment, I really do, but now that she’s called me that, I can’t help imagining different, crueler lips trailing kisses on my neck. Hers are soft, his were fucking wild.


She skips the plaster I slapped on the second hickey he gave me in the same fucking place. Like a savage. Only, now, I don’t only have a mark on my Adam's apple. They’re also all over my chest—dark red and purple, as if I’ve been bruised.Considering what jungkook did in that corner earlier today, I might as well be.

Jennie's fingers grip my T-shirt, trying to take it off, but I pull it back down, kissing her throat and refusing to get stuck in my head again. I breathe her flowery perfume and try not to gag. I’ve never liked the smell. That’s because you prefer something more masculine. The memory of bergamot and mint floods my nose and I tighten my muscles. No.

She moans and I hate how soft it sounds. She grinds against me and I loathe how tender she feels. Her breasts rub and slide against my chest, but all I can think about are hard muscles.You’re hard for me, not her.The sound of his voice in my head causes a twitch in my dormant dick.




I pull away from jennie with a shove, my mind swimming in disturbing chaos. She doesn’t take the hint and saunters toward me again with bright eyes, her blonde hair swishing against her lower back.I take another step back and hold up a hand. “I’m just not in the mood, jennie. I’m sorry. I think it’s exhaustion from the game.”

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