<2> Sweet Dreams

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"I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies,
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife,
Offer me my deathless death,"

Hozier 'Take Me to Church'

It was far too late and He Tian was in his room.

Mo Guanshan stared up at him, furrowed brow-ed and dry mouthed. The brunet's pupils had swallowed his iris' , and, like a black hole, Mo was sucked in — all the light from the space had been eaten: an abyss, a void, an endless fall. Mo Guanshan: he was a goner.

All the remaining moister left in Mo's body evaporated. He Tian took of his shirt. And then his pants. His underwear hit Mo's chest and now He Tian was naked and perched in his lap like a crow on the antichrist's shoulder — the redhead did not have the strength to shut his eyes, remaining locked on He Tian's unholy stare like a well trained mutt.

Oh Gods; Mo Guanshan shivered.

He Tian's phone lit up. The three minutes from one in the morning that his clock displayed and made him groan — it was only just when the sandman had finally cast his spell that the world decides it's urgent for you to be back awake. He flung his hand over for the shitty slab of modernity and was delighted to see his world had in fact woken him up. He Tian swiped his phone open quicker than his sleep-addled mind properly processed.


   Don't Close Mountain

   Don't Close Mountain

He Tian looked dumbfounded at his screen before his usual wit kicked in like loose brumbies on steroids.


   Did my little Momo have naughty dream~?

   Describe it to brother~
   read 00:58

Mo Guanshan sent no reply and nothing less than pure elation filled He Tian when he realised he was certainly right. 'The night was young', the brunet told himself as he whipped himself out of bed and put the door in a matter of few minutes.

He would show Mo Guanshan exactly what that youth felt like.

Mo Guanshan's face burned like a house on fire as he read He Tian's reply. Of course the other boy's first thought would go in that dirty direction and of course Mo Guanshan would be unfortunate enough to have it be true. He cursed his hormones, the gods and the He ancestors as far back as possible. Why must he be so unlucky? He cursed whatever fuck up of a past life Mo too, just for good measure.

Foolishly, after a few more minutes of radio silence from demon He Tian, he thought he was safe for tonight so he laid back down, trying to think of kittens and rainbows only.

Fifteen more and Mo Guanshan's heart settled back into normal rythym finally, just as his little one had done the same. Curled up in his sheets, he tried to count sheep. The residue of red on his cheeks would not leave so quickly but Mo Guanshan blamed that on the warm midsummer night air wafting through his open window and into his room. He shut his eyes and prayed to all the merciful gods above for a peaceful rest, completely free of demonic entities resembling bare high-school boys.

Yet it seemed gods knew no mercy as his doorbell rung out as jolly as a cynical funeral march: Mo Guanshan knew what to expect at this point. There was no pretending to be alseep, and no hoping He Tian would leave his stoop. Granted, Mo's mother was working a night so in reality he could probably just ignore the other and leave him to sleep on his doorstep — still, Mo really did not enjoy the idea of homelessness from neighbours' complaints.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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