Loving you is a losing game

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"Taehyung please."

"Fuck off."

"Please, you won't regret I Promise."

"Just fuck off jungkook."

"I love you taehyung." Jungkook grabbed taehyung's hand.

"Don't fucking touch me." Taehyung shouted and pushed him away. Jungkook almost fell but quickly balanced himself.

"Please taehyung, I love you. Please be my boyfriend." Jungkook pleaded again.

Taehyung stopped walking and looked at jungkook. They were in the campus hallway but no one was paying attention to the school bad boy and the nerd. It was a usual scene for everyone. Jungkook going after taehyung like a puppy and taehyung ignoring him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you understand that I DON'T FUCKING WANNA BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!! Get that inside your head." Taehyung shouted at Jungkook's face.

Jungkook didn't raise his head. He kept staring at his shoes. He could feel taehyung's deadly glares.

"But I wanna be in a relationship with you. I really love you Taehyung. I really do. Please give me one chance.." Jungkook begged again.

"You don't fucking understand do you?"

"Just give me one chance. I'll be the best boyfriend." Jungkook hugged taehyung's arm again.

"You little shit." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's collar and pushed him to the lockers. The smaller one let out a soft groan when his back hit the locker harshly.

Taehyung raised his hand to punch Jungkook but something stopped him from hurting the bambi eyed boy. No matter how much he tried, Taehyung couldn't just hurt him.

Specially not when he was looking at taehyung like that.

"Fuck you!!" Taehyung spat and left the university. He was so done with everything.

"I won't give up tae. I will show you what true love is. I will heal your broken heart, I promise." Jungkook said to himself with determination.


Kim taehyung roamed around the city with no exact destination. His mind was filled with so many thoughts and half of them were connected with the bambi eyed boy. And he hated that. He didn't want to think about him at all.

Taehyung is what you call a broken soul. But no one knew that. No one saw that broken boy under the bad boy mask. Kim taehyung was the heir to one of the biggest companies in South Korea. Everyone saw him as a rich bastard. Actually, he was. He was a rich bastard who showed off his money. But that's the way he coped with the pain.

He was the youngest child of a broken family. He had witnessed his father bringing women home and his mom going out with young men all the time. He watched his own sister kill herself because her boyfriend cheated on her. He even had to witness his best friend losing his mind because he was used by his boyfriend for money.

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