Opening: Welcome To Musutafu

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"Alex... Carter," said the man in the suit, his voice deliberate and unsettling. "It's not every day one with your... background survives against all odds. My Employers have offered you... a reprieve... if you will. Not that you and... your friend have any choice, hmm? But I digress, Alex Carter. That is what your parents called you. Not that they would be around for much longer, nor would they care for your... evaluation, which you have passed with flying colors. As much as I would be amused by you avenging your... master, we cannot have you kill Dr. Freeman. But let's not dwell on such things. My... E-Employers have offered you... and your friend... employment. An offer you and your friend are in no position to refuse. As for me, this is where I get off."



Alex came to in a hospital room. The sterile scent of antiseptics filled the air, and the soft beeping of medical machines was the only sound. As he regained consciousness, fragmented memories flooded back—the rift opened by Freeman, the desperate battle against human forces, and Melissa's team finding him amidst the chaos.

The Tafin (Race X) had been relentless, their alien hostility offering no room for negotiation. Melissa ended up gravely wounded, and just as things seemed dire, he appeared. The suited man, the one the Nihilanth had warned him about. This was their second meeting, the first being when he was taken to Xen as a toddler. He had endured unspeakable pain, augmented and matured through surgeries conducted by sadistic aliens who reveled in his agony. His master, the Nihilanth, had been the only constant in his tormented existence—until Freeman destroyed him, unraveling the only life Alex had known. Now, he was here, in this strange new world.

Alex’s eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light of the room. He glanced around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Hospital equipment, pristine white sheets, and a window with sunlight streaming in. It was a stark contrast to the grim, alien landscapes of Xen.

A soft groan escaped his lips as he tried to sit up, but the pain and the confusion of his surroundings overwhelmed him. The door creaked open, and a young woman stepped in. She had a calm demeanor, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. "You're awake," she said softly.

Alex responded instinctively in the alien languages he had grown accustomed to, but the woman looked puzzled. She stepped out briefly, returning with a small, rodent-like figure who carried an air of authority.

"Hello, I've been waiting for you to come to," the figure said, his voice measured and reassuring as he introduced himself as Nezu. Alex didn't understand the words but recognized the intent. The figure, realizing the language barrier, left the room. After a long while, the figure returned and motioned to another individual entering the room—a young hero with a calming presence. "This is Mandalay," the figure explained, though Alex couldn’t understand. "Her quirk, Telepath, will help us communicate."

Mandalay focused, her eyes narrowing slightly. Suddenly, Alex felt an odd sensation as her thoughts entered his mind, speaking in clear and comprehensible words. "Can you understand me now?" she asked telepathically.

Alex nodded, his eyes widening with the sudden clarity. "Yes," he thought back.

The figure continued through Mandalay’s quirk, "We are here to help you. You’re in Musutafu, Japan. This is U.A. High School’s medical facility. You and your companion were found unconscious. She’s safe and being treated nearby." Relief washed over Alex. He needed to protect Melissa, just as she had protected him in Black Mesa. But this place, these people, they were all unknown to him. He needed to understand his situation.


Melissa awoke. "I see you're finally awake," said an elderly, diminutive woman with a cane shaped like a syringe. Melissa asked about Alex and the old woman explained that he was being questioned.

"He doesn't know any human language," said Melissa.

"Not to worry, young missy," answered the elderly lady, "the pro hero Mandalay is translating for him."

"Pro hero?"

The elderly lady explained, and Melissa admitted it was news to her. Soon a man with a trench coat entered the room and introduced himself as Naomasa. The conversation then led to the detective asking for Melissa's date of birth, and to this she said, "Melissa Thompson. July 9th, 1974." It read as truth. Melissa omitted the fact she was at Black Mesa, and when she tried lying, she was called out on her deceit.

"I'm US Army Delta Force," confirmed Melissa. "I was on a mission to contain an event of classified nature. It was there I met that man you found with me."


Soon the questioning was finished, and Naomasa left as he visited Melissa's companion next. It was very interesting. The man was age 13 pushing 14, and had lived much of his life from age three in a world known as Xen with his guardian at the time being an entity known as the Nihilanth. It was less parent-child and more master-servant in the relationship. Naomasa learned the man's name was Zequath and was matured into an adult male and augmented into a bioweapon shortly after his arrival to Xen by the other races of Xen by orders of the Nihilanth.

Everyone in the room looked horrified at this information. Days later, Melissa and Zequath were given an apartment. One neighbor Melissa saw was a boy in his early teens with green hair. Naomasa and Nezu had arranged this place for the two to live. Also, during a conversation with Zequath, Naomasa and the teachers made it clear that Zequath would have to be educated. Zequath was extremely intelligent, so Nezu was confident the Xenian would have no trouble getting up to speed in a year. The school in question Zequath would be attending was called Aldera Junior High.

Nezu had notified the school that an actual alien would be attending. Nezu intentionally let it be known Zequath was an alien just to see what drama would ensue. As for Melissa, Naomasa made it clear she would have to become Zequath's legal guardian until such time that the Xenian was up to speed on laws and society's expectations and customs. She, of course, agreed.

Mandalay, for her part, would be accompanying Zequath during his time in Aldera to act as his translator. Mandalay, of course, agreed. Zequath gained the surname Thompson during the week before he'd begin attendance at Aldera. Mandalay had, of course, joked that it was almost like the two were a married couple now, and this made Melissa bright red. She, of course, wouldn't mind the idea, but Zequath was still too young despite being a grown man at age 13.

And soon the week Zequath would begin classes arrived.

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