Foal me on

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[funky music]

Fifi: [gasps]

[ponies gasp]

Fifi: Huh?

Hitch : What seems to be the problem, neighbor? [gasps]

[camera clicking]
[chalk scraping]
[glass clinking]

Hitch : I'll get to the bottom of this.

[bunnycorn 7153 yipping]

Hitch : Not now, bunnycorns. The only thing I'm hungry for... is justice!


[bunnycorns whine]

[doors open]

[phones ringing]

Hitch : Huh? Sheriff's station. You got Hitch.

Sunny : [muffled] Hitch! All the fruit! It's gone!

[phone rings]

Hitch : What? Hang on, Sunny. This is Hitch.

Rufus: [muffled] They're gone! All gone!

Hitch : What's gone? Are you there?

[phone rings]

Hitch : Hitch here!

Posey : [muffled] Are you listening?! Paintings on the wall!

[phone rings]

Hitch : Yikes! Be right with you! Hello?

Rufus: [muffled sobbing]

[phone rings]

Hitch : Hello?!

[phones ringing]

[muffled voices]

[door opens]

Zipp : Hitch! Is this a good time?
[muffled voices]

Star: Erm..You seem to be a little... tied up. [snickers] You really should find a new deputy sheriff.

Hitch : [grunting] I've got this under control,Zipp and starlight. [grunting] Aah!

Star : How many times have i told you just call me star.. Anyway, Are you sure??


Hitch :[Coughs]Alright then 'Star' [dramatically] I work alone! There's only one perfectly groomed sheriff capable of handling it all – me! Crime waits for nopony!

Star : Alright then, Have fun 'sheriff Hitch' [Winks but then laughs while going out]

[doors open]
[critters yip]

[critters whine]

[Hitch ]
Things have gone missin' from all over town
I gotta inspect, gotta write things down
Hitch is closin' in with his well-groomed face
Just a few more steps and I'll close this case
Time to catch this devious colt or mare
A mastermind's behind this, but who? And where?

Hitch : Hitch knew this was the work of a genius criminal mastermind. But somehow, some way, he would connect the dots. Uh, strings. [coughing] I'd arrest somepony for a super-citrus smoothie right now.


Hitch : Whoa. That's convenient. I don't remember picking this up. [sips] Straaaaange. Delicious, but straaaaange.

[Kenneth clears throat, screams]

Hitch : [yawns] Look out, crime! Hitch is comin' for ya!



Hitch : Smoothie cups? Sunglasses? The missing painting?! [gasps] Am I the criminal mastermind?!

[door opens]

Star : Wait up Zipp!

Zipp : Hey, Hitch! I came to— Huh.

[harmonica playing]

Star : What's up? oh,What are you doing in there sheriff??

Zipp : Huh? Uhhh, whatcha doin'... in there... buddy?

Hitch : I'm all washed up, Zipp and Starli- Star. Here. Take the keys. Find a new sheriff. [dramatically] Something caused Hitch to snap. He had gone down a dark road.

Zipp : Um, Hitch? These are all your favorite things. This smells like a setup and...

Star : [sniffs] ...super citrus smoothie?

Hitch : [sipping] Huh?



Hitch : [yelps] Uh, you might be onto something. [grunting, pants] Um, Zipp? Star?A little help?

Zipp and Star : Ohhhh, so you do need help?

Hitch : ah You're right, Zipp  & Star. Maybe I do need a new deputy.

Zipp : Good idea. Now go get 'em, sheriff!


Hitch : You had me running all over town. But now I finally got you.

[bunnycorn 7153 yips]

Hitch : What do you have to say for yourselves?

[bunnycorn 7153 yips]

Hitch : Wait. Did you steal those things for me?

[critters yipping]

Hitch : Well, I'm flattered, but you can't go around taking things. You've broken a dozen laws, not to mention health code violations. Go return everything!

[funky music]

Posey : Hmmm... [laughs]

Sunny : Huh? Ah! Huh?

[racoonicorns whistling]

[critters yipping]

Hitch : I'm sorry for ignoring you. But you did the crime, and now you gotta do the time.

[critters gasp]

[camera clicks]

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