Endgame Part 2

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Nothing is so good it lasts eternally
Perfect situations must go wrong
But this has never yet prevented me
Wanting far too much for far too long

Looking back I could have played it differently
Won a few more moments who can tell
But it took time to understand the man
Now at least I know I know him well

Wasn't it good?
Wasn't he fine?
Isn't it madness
He can't be mine?

No one in your life is with you constantly
No one is completely on your side
And though I move my world to be with him
Still the gap between us is too wide

Didn't I know
How it would go?
If I knew from the start
Why am I falling apart?

Lyrics from "Song title" from Chess by Benny Anderson, Tim Rice and Björn Ulvaeus

* * * * *

Skimming over the tops of the snow-covered trees, flying fast and parallel with the road to Hogsmeade, Harry was crouched low over his Firebolt, grinning in anticipation of seeing Draco again. The rush of cold air in his face, crisp with the frosty scent of snow, was exhilarating and the slanting afternoon sun sparked tiny brilliant prisms of light from the white surfaces blurring beneath him as he kept watch for the Portkey hub. From the air he thought he should be able to spot the hub easily as a large clearing in the forest and not have to bother looking for that old signpost Draco had uncovered.

I must be nearly there . . .

Almost as soon as he thought it, he overshot a round open space in the trees below and drew a sharp, excited breath. He grinned wider, for he'd caught a glimpse of a slim blond figure in a black cloak stepping from the trees on the far side, walking toward the center of the circle.


Harry quickly banked his Firebolt in a tight arc, slowing and angling down to land at one edge of the clearing. In his haste, he jumped from his broom without even touching down.

With a swift glance over his shoulder as he hurriedly leaned the two brooms against a tree, he saw Draco striding toward him across the unbroken snow, and when he turned around a moment later, Draco was right there. Without a word being spoken, Harry was enveloped in a fierce hug. He melted into the embrace with a sigh. God, it felt so good to hold Draco again - the ache of separation he'd carried inside him for the last two long, distressing days evaporated instantly as Draco's body pressed eagerly against his own.

"I was so worried," whispered Harry, closing his eyes and turning his face to nuzzle Draco's ear. "I'm so glad you're back. Everything will be okay now."

"Shhh," whispered Draco and moved his head to kiss Harry.

With a thrill of elation, Harry felt the magic of the Ti'kira binding flare between them as Draco's mouth closed over his. A vivid explosion of warmth flooded through him, a warmth that radiated out from his heart, reassuring and uplifting him, coalescing into that deep, comforting sense of belonging he always felt with Draco.

He was aware, too, as he held Draco in his arms, of another binding that joined them; the powerful resonance and echo stirring at the very center of his own magic confirmed that their magical auras were joined. But he didn't wonder about that, caught up as he was in kissing Draco and simply being awed anew by the intensity of these connections he felt with the other boy. It still amazed him how perfectly they seemed to fit together, and how Draco's very presence, his touch, filled Harry with strength and calm and a sense of wholeness and completion.

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