the introduction

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Great Lord of the Heavens, and may blessings be upon our Noble Messenger, a complete and complete prayer, without hypocrisy or arrogance. And then, dear reader and dear reader, I place in your hand this humble book that explains my opinions and personal philosophy on some philosophical, psychological, worldly, and some topics.  Religious, and I do not oblige anyone to this opinion. Every person has his own opinion, belief, philosophy, and religion.

Secondly, I hope that God Almighty will grant me success with this book and that it will be of benefit, knowledge, and a reference for thought. I am not calling on you, my dears, to agree with me with everything that has been written, so I hope that you take from it what will benefit you and suit your thinking, even if you see in me something that contradicts your thought or  Please ignore your belief, and even your opinion and values, and consider it useless talk. I hope you do not accuse me of disbelief, heresy, or innovation.

Each chapter in this book will consist of a specific topic and idea whose scientific definition I will explain, and then I will put an opinion on it, opinions that disagree with it, and a reason for the thought I chose. Some may have different opinions, known or well-known to them, so please read my argument without bias towards the thought of someone else that you follow.  And you spread words about me for the purpose of harming me.
I would like to remind my brothers that the book is not arranged in a specific system or in a basic or scientific sequence. I arranged this book based on a question or discussion that I had before writing the chapter and topic.

I have also mentioned some personal and third-party incidents and situations with the aim of conveying the idea in a clearer way or focusing on a specific controversial point. I hope that if these situations are similar to people you know, you will take the approach of concealing them and not defaming them. I will try as much as possible to hide the real names of the people from whom I took them.  Their positions to protect their privacy.

In the chapter on religious topics, I will mention my views on some religions and beliefs. I hope that my words will not be taken as a denial or disparagement of those religions or beliefs.

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