i. paint

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"WE NEED A PAINTING!" Shubman exclaimed as he drove through the street, while Abhishek sat in the passenger seat, his arms crossed across his chest, and a pout on his face, while Ishan was relaxed in the backseat, lying down. He was lying down in such a position, that if Shubman applied a sudden break, Ishan would fall down.

"You get whatever you want, I just want a paintbrush," Abhishek muttered making Shubman sigh, as he ran his long veiny fingers through his hair. "Fine. Get your paintbrush. But we get out of the store as soon as we get in, alright?" Shubman asked as Abhishek mock saluted. "Sir yes sir," he chuckled, making Shubman laugh and playfully punch his arm

"Shubman, this studio only, stop," Ishan yelled suddenly, making him apply breaks, and that was enough to send Ishan off the seat. "Shubman what the fuck!" he yelled.

Shubman couldn't help but laugh as Ishan untangled himself from his impromptu position on the floor of the car, rubbing his shoulder with a glare. "Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to, mate," Shubman apologized, his laughter contagious as Abhishek joined in from the passenger seat.

Once Ishan had settled back into his seat, albeit with a cautious eye on Shubman's driving, they finally arrived at the art studio. With a dramatic flourish, Shubman parked the car and turned to his friends. "Alright, remember the plan. In and out, no distractions," he reminded them, pointing a finger for emphasis.

Abhishek nodded solemnly, a mischievous glint in his eye as he muttered, "Paintbrush only, got it." Shubman shot him a playful glare before turning to Ishan. "And no acrobatics this time, okay?" he teased, earning a mock offended gasp from Ishan.

With their roles established, they made their way into the studio, Shubman leading the charge with Abhishek and Ishan following close behind. But as soon as they stepped inside, their carefully laid plans went OUT THE WINDOW.

The studio was a riot of colour and creativity, with paintings adorning every available surface and the air thick with the scent of fresh paint. Abhishek's eyes widened in wonder as he spotted rows upon rows of paintbrushes, each one more enticing than the last.

𝐈 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 - shubman gill ✓Where stories live. Discover now