We All Wish For Something

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Regina "wait a genie no just no"

Cora "no?"

Regina "I have dealt with a genie before they never do what you wish"

Anastasia "darling that is what they do and this one unique as we have him we just need his wishes"

Jabberwocky rises her hand

Cora "speak"

Jabberwocky "jibber jabba plenty chat across realms your daughter enemy is heading home"

Regina "HOW!?! It took all the magic I had to get Henry to open the gate"

Jabberwocky just starts chuckling

Cora "tell my daughter what you mean no riddles"

Jabberwocky "childhood home or should say babyhood home your majesties"

Regina "why would they... THE WARDROBE"

Cora "clothes it all you ever"

Regina grabbing her shoulders "it acts as portal between our hands and world without magic"

Cora "genie will beat any portal because wishes can change all reality"

Regina "mother your not listening they come with a price"

Cora "power doesn't wait to read terms we find this Alice NOW!"

Regina "but Emma"

Cora "all in good time I have waited 28 years I have mapped out every possibility"

[Back with Emma, Snow, Aurora and Mulan]

Emma "so these horses are they"

Snow "oh sweetie they tame I can tell"

They start riding

Emma "so can ask since we are here. What was it like I can't imagine it was always like this"

Snow "oh sweetie it was wonderful at least after the war. Me and David... your dad we planned to let you live as true Princess"

Emma "sounds like hell"

Aurora "well it a life I wish I could get back"

Mulan "we will get it back Princess maybe even better. I just wish I knew where Lancelot was"

Snow "I do appreciate you join us on this quest and promise anything that isn't the wardrobe you can take from the castle to rebuild civilization"

Mulan "it would be easier with Snow White by our side but I get it you have your love to get back too"

Snow "well do you have a man worth fighting for"

Mulan looking over at Aurora "I don't need to fight for a man"

Snow "well fighting for love always helped me stay true"

Mulan "shhhh"

Snow "oh come on I wasn't saying"

Mulan "no shhhh look"

A field filled with unicorns herd

Emma "woah this is amazing"

A chimera (lion, goat and snake hybrid) pounces on top of one of them

Emma "WAIT THATS A CHIMERA!?! we ate that"

Suddenly a bugle is heard as ogers charge out of the forest into the field and start clubbing the chimera to death with huge brown wooden clubs with jagged metal inbeded the club.And suddenly one oger turns towards Emma "ammm Mary Margaret..."

Snow readying her bow and firing "stay away from my daughter"

Emma starts shooting her gun and suddenly the oger drops to the ground eith huge thud as an oger with crown comes out crowd that are killing the chimera "boom stick give boom stick"

Mulan "we should go now NOW!!!"

they all quickly race to there horses and ride fast to escape

Snow "I thought they had been all pushed back"

Mulan "without dark one they come back in huge numbers and that was Oger King Fleabugado"

Emma "me shooting one won't cause a"

Aurora "oh no ogers one advantage about them they very stupid sadly they are very strong though"

[Meanwhile with Rumple and Belle]

Rumple "New York City its bloody maze not a city"

Belle "try to relax your son is here"

Rumple seeing a sign that says population of New York 8.347 million and just sits down on bench cupping his face with his hands as Belle sit next to hug his back  as he uncups his face and says "it helpless Belle how are me and you meant to find him in with all these people and no magic"

Belle "well I don't know but I know what isn't helping giving up come on if Emma did it as job we can do it because of love"

Rumple "I do love dearie"

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