Chapter 11: Brotherhood (Pt 1)

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*Trico POV*

Me: Yang can you please be silent for once?

Yang's voice: Why should I? I make my own rules.

The Voice says as i was foraging through the thicket for food

Me: I'm trying to find myself food and you're distracting me!

Yang's voice: Well, you should've gotten food earlier before I started chatting with you!!!

i groan as i keep searching for food. The search went on for hours until i found something that my stomach sing for joy

 The search went on for hours until i found something that my stomach sing for joy

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A young sker buffalo. Perfect.

Me: Ok Yang, you're gonna have to be real silent for this, ok?

I said as i began to creep behind the building sized bovine

Yang's voice: What's the magic word?

I groan before saying

Me: Please?

Yang's voice: ... Good. But that doesn't mean I'll be done with you.

Yang's voice went silent

Me: Finally...

i say before reaching the striking distance behind the Sker Buffalo, i prepare myself to lunge by wiggling my legs and tail

Me: Please work....

I say before lunging at the Sker Buffalo's leg and biting down on it. The Sker Buffalo bellowed in pain as it then tries to buck me off of his leg. I tried to hold on with all my might, but it was no use. I was flung off after a couple seconds and the Sker Buffalo turns to me before snorting

Me: Oh no, not again.....

The Sker Buffalo drags it's foot against the ground before charging at me. it may not be fast on land, due to its lifetime in the water but does have good heavy attacks. I get up and try and jump out of the way of it's horns, but to no avail, i get smacked by one of it's horns and sent into the air

Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I screamed before landing into a couple bushes

Me: .......I should just stick to scavanging....ow............

I murmer before hearing the voice speak again

Yang's voice: Well, you blew it. You really did blew it. Because you were not ready to take on something that's tougher than you are.

Me: ........Do you always want to make my day worse?........

Yang's voice: Worser than it already is.

I groan before getting off the bushes and continued my search for food

Me: Hopefully i'll find something smaller today, maybe those Cow like creatures, or even those Rhino's. Atleast it would be better then running into those mangy lizard jackals....

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