Lover: 7

343 9 1

" Amin "

Pulling up at my mom's house and heading inside the house and I said...

Me: Ma it's me

She comes out the kitchen with her apron on cleaning her hand she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek she said:..

Gloria: hey baby

Me: hey Ma

Gloria: so what made you come over

Me: Jeannie left me

I told her and she turned her back to the stove and said..

Gloria: good I never cared for the bitch

She said and I laughed at her...

Me: Ma

Gloria: I'm serious anything else new

I sat down at her small table where me and my brothers sat and had breakfast lunch and dinner here. And I said

Me: well she was cheating this whole damn time with a big muscular dude

Mom mouth dropped when I told her that and she asked me....

Gloria: don't tell me

Me: yes I had sex with him too

Gloria: oh my lord

Me: Ma that man done things to me that I tried to hide growing up

Gloria: you where so closed minded growing up I knew you was different from your older brothers

Me: I was pampered in Ashton eyes

Gloria: you were which was my fault

Me: Ma I am your child don't blame yourself on me being who I am now

Gloria: so where is this guy now

Me: he tried to pimp me out with his friends but since Jeannie left it went left I stayed in my room for a week locked up with him still down stairs the house cleaned and he's been nice as hell with me now

Gloria: he had a clear mind on what went down between you 2 what Jeannie did was wrong and dirty but I am happy you're finally yourself now

She told me pulling out the baked chicken and biscuits the front door opened up again and I heard..

Ashton: Ma I'm home

He yelled out and walked into the kitchen and he was shocked to see me sitting at the table in my original spot I always sat at and he said...

Ashton: what's up punk

He said to me and we hugged and me I said..

Me: hey Ash how you been

Ashton: trying to find a study job is hard as fuck right now man

Gloria: language

Mom said to him and fixed our food and she sat down with hers and we said grace and talked more I even told him about Noah he was pissed cause he knew who Noah was....

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