Normal Morning Or No?

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A/N —> Author's notes

You are a female, hence the term Ghuleh, and your name is Lilith

Appearance: Short (4'5"), short black hair with red streaks of dye.

Extra info: Lilith means demon or spirit. Your mother named you that since she used to feel your violent and probably very tempermental kicks when you were in the womb.

This is a long chapter to pre-warn.

One morning you wake up, stretching your limbs, grabbing your phone. You headed to the kitchen to get yourself some strawberries and eat those before you're interrupted by getting a call, and you decide to pick the phone up and answer it. The number was unknown, but you didn't see the harm in answering an unknown caller.

The voice boomed across from the other line when you picked up, it was a male voice, but you didn't recognise the voice. He spoke, "My dear, do you want to join a band?"

Your response was, "Uhm, of course. But how the fuck did you get my number?" You snapped after being nice, kinda funny how you're able to switch up so easily...

"Well I just dialed many numbers at random, you're the only one that picked up from all the numbers." He had this... Calming tone? No, that felt like a comforting tone... But it wasn't comforting on how he randomly dialed your number and how you happened to be the only one that picked up.

You decide to hang up after his response, but little did you know he was able to track your location from the call at all. So you reached into the fridge, grabbing the plastic box of strawberries out, setting them on the counter as you shut the fridge. You then turnt to the sink, turning the tap on to wash your strawberries since it was lphabit to wash food that people could've touched before eating it.

After washing the strawberries you start happily munching on them, the only way you're ever happy is when you start your day off with any fruit that you know you cleaned before eating.

Once you get done eating, you head back up to your room to get dressed, you take off your tanktop and shorts, putting on a baggy ass shirt and a baggy ass hoodie much larger than your shirr, and some regular active wear shorts, putting your socks on, then slipping on your shoes, you wanted to go out to the dollar general to buy more makeup to cosplay.

You walk outside with your phone and wallet in hand, before suddenly a black limbo pulled up, and so you're confused but trying to ignore it. Then someone opened the door, suddenly lunging out of the limbo and at you. And well, before you know it, you're knocked out and inside the limbo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2024 ⏰

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