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Lucy- Bradford  my office pls
Tim- yes ma'am

Lucy walks out the break room and the sound of her heels fade

Angela- Awh timmy smiling
Aaron- everyone knows u like her
Tim- no I don't wer ejust close friends
Both- Mhm

He walks put and up to her office

Lucy- *teared up* I think it's best if u take a seat
Tim- ok *sits down*
Lucy- so one of the dogs in th-the k9 unit was shot during a sniffout today and unfortunately died, I'm sorry it was hunter
Tim- *upset* No
Lucy- ik how much u loved that dog so I thought I should tell u instead of letting u find out a different way

She hugs him and then he leaves and sits in his office, he was upset but didn't show it ,he looked at his watch and saw it was time for roll-call ,he grabbed his clipboard and went in then lucy joined

Tim- ok settle down

Everyone goes silent and sits down

Tim- there's a lot to go through today as there are new rookies but I'm going to let captain Chen do the introduction to them
Lucy- thank you sarge....rookies it is your first day so don't let it be your last ,stand up and state your name and badge numbers GO
Celina- celina jurez  badge number*****
Doug- doug stanton badge number *****
Lucy- ok now for the matchmaker game, jurez your TO is officer John Nolan and stanton your TO is detective nyla Harper .... back to Bradford
Tim- thank you captain now we have a bolo out for Selby he is dangerous, I want him back here in cuffs unless any other circumstances  no solos everyone pairs up today ,dismissed stay safe

Everyone leaves but whisky the captain gave the rookies the speech Tim was staring at her with love eyes

Lucy- Tim, u ok?
Tim- uh ye fine
Lucy- mk I'm always in my office if ya need me
Tim- thanks

Shee goes up to her office and Tim goes to his then Angela goes up to her and Aaron goes to tim

Tim- yo
Aaron- just admit u love Lucy
Tim- no I don't
Aaron- Tim all the officers saw u looking at her with love eyes and u do it everyday
Tim- fine I love her but only a little bit
Aaron- stop lying u love her lots
Tim- get out I've got paperwork to do
Aaron- ok loverboy

Aaron goes up to lucy and Angela

Angela- so?
Aaron- today he admitted he loves her a little bit
Angela- that's a lie ,he's in love with her
Aaron- exactly
Lucy- I doubt it
Angela- Lucy are u wearing YSL heels?
Lucy- ye why
Angela- hwo did u afford them eih a paycheck like ours
Lucy- oh please my family are rich so yk
Angela- oh ye your father the best surgeon in LA and your mother the best therapist in LA
Lucy- *rolls eyes* uh huh
Aaron- Dam girl anyway your roommate is she single?
Lucy- yep
Aaron- wait wait wait Olivia, she's single now?
Lucy- mhm
Aaron- SCORE
Lucy- *chuckles * enough, shoo go look for the bolo u 2 can ride together

They both leave and after a while Tim goes up and knocks on the door

Tim-* goes in and closes door* hey
Lucy- hi ,how u feeling
Tim- good but its about the new rookie doug
Lucy- what about him
Tim- I read his file and he was kicked out of Hollywood cus he let his rookie get beaten up
Lucy- why?
Tim- cus the rookie was black, he's aliev luckily but doug got a job here the rookie beaten up was Jackson West
Lucy- ik him let me make some phone calls

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