1. Agnes Elijah-Dottir

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[Updated! Pretend their talking in an old viking language though, lol]

Agnes' POV:

"Nikki! Put me down." I scream through my laughter. Nikki always picks me up, and it's very fun when he does, but it is also very scary.

"Never, my gorgeous girl."

At that, I smile. Yes, I am gorgeous.

"Put me down, or you won't be my best-est uncle ever again."

He immediately puts me down, laughing in my face.

"Well, we can't have that now, can we?"

I love my uncle Nikki, he's so so so funny. I love all my uncles and aunty, but Nikki is my absolute best-est one. Don't tell the others, though. It'll make them upset. Especially, Uncle Kol, he always gets jealous when I spend loads of time with Nikki, and it's so funny.

When I see someone come through the door, I look up to see who it is.

And it's my daddy!

I run over, throwing my arms around him immediately.

I love that new word, immediately. So very grown up. I'm so grown up. I'll have to tell Daddy later.

"Daddy!" I shout, squeezing him tightly.

"Hello, how is my princess doing."
He replies before pulling back away.

"I'm lovely, thank you."

We then spent the evening giggling and everything. I love spending time at my daddy's as then I get to see everyone.

"It's getting dark now, baby girl, I think we should get you back to your mummy."

Daddy says, "I love my mummy, so I smile." Immediately.

"Yes, let me see my mummy. I love my mummy."

I love my daddy and his brothers and sister but I have to see my mummy. I really love her. She is so so so so lovely.

"Nope. You can't, I'm never letting you go." Kol sais, giving me the biggest hug ever so I can't move.

"Kol, but my mummy will be upset."

"Don't care. You're too cuddly to let go."

I need to see my mummy. That's where I sleep, stupid Kol. But, I love kol cuddles, so I can't stop hugging him.

But then I do stop because he starts tickling me, and I just can't hold on.

"Kol, stop it." I giggle. I have to see my mummy now, it's getting to my bedtime.

"Yes, I know, we'll have Aggie stay here forever." Klaus sais over my brother. But I know he's a liar, I can't stay here because Mikael doesn't want me to. I know that he is just being silly, so I know he will take me to my mummy, and so I'm not upset that I'm not going to her right now.

I think Nikki is scared of Mikael, so he won't go against him, and neither will my daddy.

"I think that's a great idea, brother." Said Bex. Well, of course she's going to say that. I bet she hates being in a house with ALL boy siblings.

"Agreed." Says Finn, smiling hugely while taking a step closer to me.

"See, everyone wants you to stay here, so now you have to." Nikki says, laughing.

Maybe he does want me to stay here? This joke has been going in for a very long time now.

I give him a very strong look because I know I can't stay here. What would mummy do without me? And i want to see her, too, but he just laughs at me.

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