Chapter Three

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When I walked into the classroom, I saw Itachi sitting down. Our eyes met briefly, but I quickly looked away. The memory flashed through my head—the kiss. I felt my cheeks flush, and I turned my attention to finding a seat as far from him as possible.

It's not a bad thing that we kissed. I mean, I didn't mind it—I slapped both of my cheeks.

Snap out of it, Y/N. Maybe it was a mistake.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the classroom door closing and Minazuki Sensei walked in. "We have received another mission!"

"Let's get our tools ready," Minazuki Sensei said as he walked out, with Tenma following. I got up and joined them.

"Y/N," Itachi said softly, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. "Can we talk for a moment?" My heart raced, and I nodded, unable to find my voice. He led me to a quiet corner of the hallway. "I've been thinking about what happened," he began, his tone serious. "About the kiss." My mind raced.

Was he about to tell me it was a mistake? That he regretted it?

I braced myself for the worst. "It wasn't a mistake," he continued, his eyes searching mine. "At least, not for me. I don't know if I pushed myself too far, so I apologize if I made you uncomfortable."

I shook my head, finally finding my voice. "No, Itachi, you didn't make me uncomfortable," I replied. "I actually—"

"Are you two lovebirds done flirting? We have a mission to prepare for," Tenma said.

"Shut up, Tenma," I said, rolling my eyes.

● ● ●

The mission was to find a ninja cat in the Den of Cats. We have to use this cat tool to understand the cat language.

"Minazuki Sensei, why do I have to wear these?" Tenma asked, waving the cat ears in the air. "Tenma, you're as sassy as always," I chuckled. "Y/N, if you don't shut up," Tenma's brow twitched. I stuck out my tongue at him, and he reciprocated. "Pussy," I whispered in his ear, putting on the cat ears on my head. "Huh? You got a problem? Come fight me then!"

"Pipe it down!" the old lady yelled.

I turned to look at Itachi, and as he placed the cat ears on his head, I exclaimed, "Wow! They look great on you, Itachi!" My cheeks flushed red. "Huh?!" Tenma exclaimed. "You bastard, why do you have to look cool in everything?"

"Isn't he amazing," I whispered to Tenma. "You could never."

"Huh?! You little bi—"

"Okay, no fighting," Minazuki Sensei said, handing us a picture of the ninja cat. "Let's split up. Me and Itachi and Y/N and Tenma."

"Aw, you're leaving me with him," I pouted. "What was that?" Tenma said, holding a fist in the air. "Nothing."

● ● ●

Itachi did it again. He truly is amazing.

"You better not be thinking that you saved me," Tenma said, getting close to Itachi's face. I smacked Tenma on the head really hard, knocking him to the floor.

"Shut up, Tenma. He's your friend. Of course he's going to help you," I said.

"What! Me? His frien—" I hit Tenma on the head again. "Just be grateful he saved you. Do you have anything to say to Itachi?" Tenma pointed a finger at Itachi. "I swear I'll make it up to you."

He seriously can't just say thank you.

● ● ●


We had another mission.

We were honored with the task of escorting the Land of Fire's daimyō on one of his routine trips to Konoha. Everything was going fine. We were walking beside him, and then... everything happened so fast.

I got hit in the head pretty badly. Everything was blurry, but I could still tell what had happened. There was a masked man. Tenma ran towards him, and then... blood. Itachi awakened his Sharingan.

Everything became so different after Tenma's death. Itachi started doing training exercises with Shisui. After Itachi left Team 2, so did I. I began practicing medical ninjutsu.

Itachi and I still hung out. We still went out, and I guess you could say that we were an official couple.

 We still went out, and I guess you could say that we were an official couple

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