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Note; In this book the FMC aka y/n is named 'Kamari'. Why? Because I just can't read y/n anymore. I'm sorry😭 Please feel free to change it to your name if you please🎀

 I'm sorry😭 Please feel free to change it to your name if you please🎀

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"You're weak princess. If you get tired this easily, someone will stab and slit your throat." The cold metal gets lower from my neck. I was panting and breathing heavily being exhausted from today's practice.

"You're too hard on me, colonel park." I glare at him while he looks down on me and then looks around. He sighs and gets a bottle of water for me and crouch down to match our eyes.

"I just want you to be strong princess." His tone soft and so gentle that I just wanted to crawl into his arms.

"But I have you." I say, just like I always did. And I already knew his answer to it...

"I won't always come to save you princess."

"Hah, keep lying to yourself Mr Park. But I know you will." I nudge his elbow and drink the water.

"You know how to push my buttons, don't you princess?" He chuckled and sat down next to me. Our shoulders barely brushing. It was for the second time in this week. Am I using my luck a bit too much?

"Ofcourse I do Mr Park." I say looking at him, admiring his features.

His hair was all black. Usually they were all sleek back, almost always other than when we're practising. His hair would be all messy, covering his forehead partially, sticking to it a bit. His eyebrows though, always visible.

His eyelashes long and complimenting his dark brown eyes. The shade was so dark that someone would definitely call it black but I knew they were brown. From that one time when we were practising and I had hit his head with my wooden sword and I kept over apologising him which had made him laugh so hard, throwing his head back which had made sunlight hit his face, showing those hazel eyes.

Could I swim in them? Maybe. If he allowed.

His nose was button and all cute. Perfect to kiss on the first thing in morning and then those plump lips-

"Princess!" His fingers snapped infront of my eyes bringing me back to reality. Shit.

"Yeah what?"

"You seem so lost, everything okay?" He asked, completely concerned.

"Yeah it's fine." I fumbled with my hair trying to tuck them behind my ear.

"I'm sorry if I was too harsh today..." His fingers brush through my strands which make me stone. I couldn't move at all. "I just... don't want you to be in a situation where danger is within your vicinity." His voice held pain and some sort of meaning behind it.

Why? I had asked him multiple times on why was he always so worried about me. This wasn't just any bodyguard behaviour. It was care and affection. But he would never name it that.

"You weren't harsh. You were just... being you." I hug my legs closer to my chest, feeling too vulnerable around him.

"Maybe. Maybe I just like being myself around you." He tucked the hair strands behind my ear which had made me turn my focus to him.

There was barely a stray line of sunset falling on his eyes, giving me a view of those hazel eyes.

There was a line inbetween my brows, my eyes trying to find something in his eyes which I catch in courtrooms when our eyes accidentally catch, when our eyes lock through my mirror when I'm putting on some accessories, or when I'm hurt and that something is screaming in his eyes which he tries so hard to hide but fails to.

Why can't we hold onto that something? You want me to be strong then why won't you become strong? Why won't you admit to these churning feelings between us?

And it's gone. He breaks our eye contact.

"Let's put an end to today's practice..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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