new character unlocked !

859 11 5

The next day this guy entered.

Everyone's eyes were on him.
Serra jumped off when she saw him.
Jennifer-" Girl calm down! "

All the girls started whispering.

Miss Manika ( their bio professor) - "Let's welcome our new student.  Please  introduce  yourself ."

The new guy -" hey! Am Xavier, Xavier Edmond.  Nice to meet you all. Hope we get along."


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Xavier  Redmond A mysterious personality

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Xavier  Redmond
A mysterious personality.
Hates being the the centre of attraction.
Good athlete.
Kind of introverted but talks boldly!


erra acting like a kid "Ah what a name Xavier Edmond! "

Jennifer-" You're right! His name matches  him."

Miss manika-" ok Xavier. I hope u have a great experience here. Please take a seat."

His eyes searched for a seat and saw the middle row was almost empty and in between sat 5 to 6 girls.
He wanted to ignore them but his eyes fell on a girl giggling. Her smile reminded him of the match girl who lost.

He knowingly went up there and sat near Serra's seat.

Serra not knowing blurts out "Oh Jen! I don't know what this is. And in our class damn! You know that day it was for him.........."
Jennifer interrupted as she saw him sitting behind her "Aah serra what are you saying u should check something! "

Serra understood that sudden behaviour and turned to notice this guy sitting near her.

Her eyes widened.  Xavier not even looking at her took out his book and started focusing on the lecture. 

Serra got stiff and couldn't move!

Jennifer tried to move her and pushed her a little. But Serra was light so she fell onto him.
He removed his hand which was resting on the bench. So Serra straightway fell onto his lap! Her face got buried in there.

AH STOP IT  PROFESSOR! Where stories live. Discover now