Chapter Fourteen

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Euphemia ended up sending me a letter two days after my talk with Rodolphus and Antonin which informed me of her plans to break the control Dumbledore had on James.

It also asked for my help with the ritual she had picked out.

Part of me couldn't help but feel relieved that soon James would be free and under his own influence. Mainly since I missed the mischief boy he had been before Hogwarts and before our fourth year as well, which somewhat helped limit to when things started.

I'd also made sure to write my thoughts on the subject to Marvolo.

Mainly as he was the main force on taking over in finding a way to check over our people along with figuring out just when Dumbles had begun to control people.

Thought part of me feared finding out just how long Dumbles had been doing this.

"He's completely lost his mind," grumbled Eris as she shifted a step closer towards me as we joined the others in the ballroom for the celebration of Narcissa and Lucius' bonding ceremony.

"You're not wrong," I mused in agreement even as I sent a nod towards Lucius when his eyes locked with my own. "Though I do wonder just when he lost himself on this power trip of his."

Not that knowing that answer would change the truth of his atrocious actions.

So far, it seemed that mostly only those in the House of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were affected by potions and spells meaning he'd left alone the students in Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

Part of me wondered if it was because those families usually followed traditions and would be aware if their children began to act differently. There was also the fact many began to teach their children how to protect their minds and gave them heirlooms to protect them.

Something I now felt all families should do, no matter what traditions or beliefs they held.

Because at the end of the day, it was their children who would continue their lines.

"Lady Black," stated Lucius as I moved forward to give my own well wishes to the newly bonded couple while Eris moved away to speak with Barty and Evan. "I thank you for all that you've done for myself and my family."

"Heir Malfoy," I returned with a dip of my head before glancing to where Narcissa stood silently beside him, "there is no need for thanks, as now we are family by marriage. I hope that you are blessed in this bond and that good tidings find you both."

That was the usual words one offered after a bonding ceremony if one followed the old ways as my family did. It was to bring good fortune to the two being bound together.

Though I had made sure to speak with Narcissa before the binding to make sure she understood that even with this marriage she held loyalty to House Black just as she did to House Malfoy.

Which reminded me, Trixy was around here somewhere.

I didn't wait around for either to say more, instead heading off to find Rodolphus as I needed to speak with him on what his brother had found out so far concerning our current project.

Rabastan was a true genius when it came to runic magic and rituals.

Something we'd need to break our people free.

"I see you're already busy," teased Marvolo as he appeared beside me while I accepted a glass of wine from one of the house elves moving around the ballroom. "If you're looking for Rodolphus, he is currently speaking with Dolohov and Abraxus."

Meaning they had likely figured something out or had hit a snag.

"Did you notice anything?" I asked in return even as I began to move towards a corner of the room, not even surprised that he followed a step behind.

Marvolo was known for his intelligence and brilliance when it came to magic and more so that of the long-forgotten branches of magic. So, in truth, I couldn't help but place my hope into him.

Because I knew that it was better to reach out and give projects to those who can achieve something for it than let it wallow and be forgotten by trying to do it myself.

"He began after the defeat of the last Dark Lord," answered Marvolo as he placed up a privacy ward around us. "That is likely when he began to believe that only he could do right by our world. Though I've also been informed by Regulus and Anthony of Albus' past."

Ah, so they had also shared their finding concerning Ariana Dumbledore with Marvolo.

I had hoped they would since Marvolo had just the right people to begin spreading the rumors, and actual truth, about Albus Dumbledore and how he wasn't the paragon of Light people believed he was. That was the first step I wanted to put into motion to bring the man down.

Many weren't even aware that the man had been Gellert's lover.

It was also because of the Vow they made one another that he took so long to fight during the previous war against Gellert. Though many believed it was because he was a coward.

The truth was a lot darker than that.

This was all before adding into the fact that there was a possibility he had killed his own sister, Ariana Dumbledore, and then hid it away. It was because of this that his own brother loathed him and didn't hide that fact from anyone.

Even if he also remained silent on why he hated his brother.

"Surprising, isn't it?" I questioned with a smirk.

Marvolo wouldn't have thought to check with Albus' brother or look to find someone who knew Albus when he was a child and teenager. Mainly since his focus had been on gathering his followers and placing his plans into action instead.

It also helped that I was already aware of this and knew where to look and who to ask.

Pointing the others in the right direction to dig it all up.

"Yes and no," answered Marvolo with a light chuckle as he took a step closer to me even as he glanced around the ballroom. "Albus Dumbledore was always someone I knew to hold secrets that could shake our world, it was only a matter of finding them."

Leave it to Marvolo to just not admit that he hadn't bothered to look for said secrets.

But again, he had placed a lot of time on growing stronger, gaining followers, and everything else to really dig into his biggest enemy. Which was a mistake considering Dumbledore had been gathering dirt and information on Marvolo from the very start.

It was why he was coming out ahead of Marvolo in this battle.

Only now, I was a player on their chessboard, and I was holding all the pieces.

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