July 5th, 2015

199 9 5

Good morning, It's approximately 6:01 AM. Yesterday was stressful for me. Telise is scared of fireworks, so yesterday kind of sucked on that.
But, I did get to hang out with my family, and I got to eat a lot of actual meat, yum.
Also, I will try to post from July 9th to July 21st as much as I can, but I will be visting Texas to see my aunt, uncle and cousin. I'm kind of scared that Telise will freak out on the plane, but hopefully I can control her for two hours.
I want to move to Canada, they have more Eastern wolves, which is ironic since Canada is north of where I am, I live in Illinois by the by.
Anyway I think that's it...
Feel free to ask any questions.

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