Chapter 7

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(This chapter has 1761 words)

Solomon looked around, taking in the strange and otherworldly environment that he had been transported to. The space around him was a void, filled with what appeared to be planetary and bolide objects of varying colors. It was a surreal and disorienting sight, one that made Solomon's head spin.

But then, he saw it. A massive being, one that was so large that it seemed to defy the very laws of physics. The enigmatic figure was not of flesh and blood, but rather, it was composed entirely of shadow and darkness. The absence of light was so profound within its form that it appeared to be a moving void, a black hole in the shape of a humanoid creature.

The only feature that disrupted the uniformity of its dark composition were its eyes. Bright, vibrant purple orbs that glowed with an otherworldly energy, they were the only source of light in the being's otherwise pitch-black existence. The eyes were mesmerizing, captivating, and yet, there was a sense of dread that accompanied them. They were windows to a soul that was as ancient as time itself, a soul that had witnessed the birth and death of countless stars.

Surrounding the entirety of the being's body was a faint, yet distinct, red shadow. It was a halo of crimson that danced and flickered around the edges of its form, like a flame that refused to be extinguished. The red shadows were not merely an aesthetic feature, they were a representation of the being's immense power. They were a warning to those who dare to approach it, a testament to the destruction that it was capable of unleashing.

This massive being, a being of pure shadow and darkness with bright purple eyes and a red aura of flames, was a paradox. It was a creature that embodied the very essence of fear and awe, a being that was a harbinger of doom.

Solomon's frown deepened as he stared at the being, his mind racing with thoughts and possibilities. He knew that this was Dormammu, a powerful and dangerous entity that could pose a threat to his plans.

But then, he saw the gate. A magnificent sight to behold, it shimmered in the light and was adorned with intricate patterns and designs. As the gate opened, the hilt of a sword appeared. The hilt was a work of art, crafted with the utmost care and precision. The pommel was made of pure gold, polished to a mirror-like finish that reflected the light of the battle. The grip was a beautiful blue, the color of a clear summer sky. It was made of a material that was both durable and comfortable, allowing the warrior to wield the sword with ease and precision. The cross guard of the sword was also made of gold, a perfect complement to the pommel. It was designed to protect the warrior's hand and to provide a balance to the blade. The cross guard was adorned with delicate engravings, a testament to the skill of the craftsman who created it.

As Solomon pulled the rest of the sword out of the gate, the beauty of the weapon was revealed in its entirety. It was a two-handed sword, a weapon that required both strength and skill to wield.

Mana started to condense around the blade, and Solomon's eyes glowed with a fierce determination. He would use the sword to both absorb and destroy the dark dimension, turning it into light and making it a part of himself. The sword was a Noble Phantasm, a weapon of immense power that could only truly be wielded by a true hero.

Solomon raised the blade above his head, both hands on the hilt of the sword. He took a deep breath, focusing all of his energy and concentration on the task at hand. With one word, he brought the sword down, "Excalibur!" he called out.

The blade let out an immense light, the kind of light that could banish even the darkest of shadows. The light split the dark dimension, and Solomon used it as a weapon to purify the dimension at the same time. He was also using his magic to absorb all of the energy from the dimension, a feat that required immense skill and power.

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