🪑Han Min-ki's Backstory🥀

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Characters in Backstory:
(Age order)
Father - Han Daeshim
Mother - Han So-Young
Late oldest sister - Han 'Unlisted'
Older brother - Han Seung
MC - Han Min-ki
Younger sister(Twin 1) - Han Yun (Lotus Flower)
Younger sister(Twin 2) - Han Hei-ran (Orchid)

Han Min-ki grew up with a mom, a dad, an older brother, and two younger (twin)sisters. His mother's name is Han So-young. Soyoung loves all four of her kids very much. Because of her first child with Han Daeshim passing away while walking to school due to someone driving dangerously; Soyoung became very possessive of (at-the-time) 3 year-old Han Seung (Min-ki's now older brother) and her future children as well. Around the time of their first child passing away, Daeshim became very stressed and angry, he drank and smoked a lot, but never laid hands on his wife or only child. So-young and Daeshim tried for another girl to be married off in the future, but only when Han Seung was 5, So-young gave birth to Han Min-ki; a boy.

Daeshim was unhappy but So-young showered the boy in unconditional love and affection. So-young began homeschooling Seung when Min-ki was done drinking breastmilk. Daeshim and So-young focused most of their attention on their two boys for now. When Han Seung was twelve, he began tormenting, abusing, and blaming his faults on Minki, who was only 7 and an angel. Daeshim began punishing Minki with small slaps, spanks, hair-pulls, or tight arm squeezes for the things his older brother pinned on him. When the twin girls Yun(Lotus Flower) and Hei-Ran(Orchid) were born, Minki was 8 and Daeshim was 13. Minki had become scared of father who has been neglecting Han Seung, basically abusing Minki, and praising his wife for carrying his children.

So-young still wouldn't let the boys attend school, and when Seung became old enough to work and drive, she wouldn't let him, so he continued to torture Min-ki, and attempt to reach the girls, but Min-ki protected them.

Soon enough, So-young allowed her 17 year old son, Seung, to get a job and take the driving test and lessons. 12 year old Minki was stuck at home, becoming his father's new pleasure as he's beat quite often for making a small mistake and also beat because he keeps taking responsibility for his sisters causing trouble. Seung moved out when he was 19 and So-young became more possessive of her 3 children at home. After a while, Minki's dad stopped paying attention to him and just became a drunk. The years passed slowly.. 14 turned to 15, 15 turned to 16, 16, turned to seventeen.. Soyoung stopped teaching her kids because her and Daeshim were desperately trying for another child and she slept throughout the day.

(Boys, here is some womanly TMI) Soon, Yun and Hei-ran got their periods(not at the same time) and Min-ki had to help them as best as he could, he explained as much as he could without lying and without ruining the girls' innocence over intimate topics. He showed them where his mother had stocked up on tampons, pads, and underwear liners(because Soyoung won't be needing them for a while), told them what each did and demonstrated by using blue, dyed water.(TMI ends here) (When Min-ki was young, their mom and dad sat Seung and Min-ki down and had the sex talk and period talk with them, but they didn't do that for the girls.) Min-ki is just trying his best to be a good role model for his sisters, but it's really hard for him sometimes.

After So-young was pregnant for 3 months, they lost the heartbeat, so Daeshim has begun drinking more and breaking glasses and yelling. He's struck Min-ki a few times with bottles but not the twins or So-Young. When So-young became pregnant again, Daeshim mellowed out and stopped his abusive behavior.

The twin girls made a cake for Minki's 18th birthday, and his mother wished him happy birthday with a kiss on the forehead and an apology for not getting him anything. He planned his escape then and asked if he could go out alone for a day to celebrate his birthday, and 'It will mean just as much to me as the newest phones and a brand new computer.' So-young agreed with some hesitation and he got 40$ from his dad to spend, but instead, when he left he went to the nearest supermarket and asked where he could go to enlist in the military. He got some help and went there immediately, filling out an application form to join the military. He went and bought some candy and pretzels for his sisters and him to share before going back home.

Within the following days, he'd prepared everything to grab and run the moment the acceptance letter arrived. The day the letter arrived, 12 days after his birthday, he went and told his sisters he needed to go and that he'd always think about them and that they should never give up.. But he purposely didn't tell them where he was leaving to. He gave them the remaining money from his birthday and grabbed the acceptance letter, a photo of his late older sister, and a photo of his younger sisters, and his packed belongings and left forever.
That marks the beginning of Han Min-ki's story.

Word Count: 930 total

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