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Author's POV

Both of them were nervous as to why he called so suddenly. He might transfer him somewhere far away or send her permanently to London.

DJ- Anaya, sit outside, I have to talk to Saksham alone and when I am done, I will call you.

She sat outside and was praying the whole time that nothing would go wrong.

DJ- So Saksham, I know you are a very hardworking employee of my company, but can you bear the expenses of my daughter?

Sak- Yes sir, I earn so much that she will always be happy.

DJ- Who all are there in your family ?

Sak- Nobody, I am alone. My parents died in an accident in my childhood, after which I was taken care of by my grandmother, who also died 2 years ago.

DJ- Are you sure she won't miss me after marrying you?

Sak- She will definitely miss your father's love, but nothing else.

DJ- You can go now and send her in.

He came out and kissed her on the forehead and then she went inside.

An- What happened dad? Why did you call us?

DJ- Nothing, I wanted to see whether he was worthy of my daughter or not.

An- Then ? What did you think?

DJ- I am proud of my daughter's choice and I am also thinking of keeping your engagement this Sunday.

An- But we could have discussed it with mom.

DJ- No one can think better of you than me and always keep this in mind. Whatever I do for you will always be right.

An- I know Dad and I don't do anything without asking you anyway.

Employee- Excuse me sir, the bouquet has come from Malhotra's.

DJ- Put it here and away you go.

An- Who is this Malhotras?

DJ- I will tell you some time when I have free time and now you also go, we will leave after some time, I have to give good news to everyone at home.

She went and he saw the bouquet and took out a note and threw it in the dustbin. It was written in the note - It is very early for the daughter's marriage, do not forget to invite me and even if you forget, no problem, I will come myself. He tore it and threw it away. Anaya gave Saksham a back hug and also gave him good news and he was very happy. They reached home in the evening with sweets.

Nibi- Sweets in what happiness?

DJ- I have decided to marry Anaya.

Nibi- This is a very good thing but who is the boy?

DJ- Obvious guess. Saksham.

Al- What ?

Nibi- But you can't do that.

DJ- I have decided that Nibi and I will get her engaged next week and then get married.

He went to his room and she to hers. There was disappointment on both of their faces.

Al- This won't happen, mom. She cannot be married to Saksham, he is only mine.

Nibi- Don't worry, I will definitely do something.

A week passed quickly and all the preparations for their engagement were done and she was very happy. All the guests had arrived and they both put rings on each other and got photos clicked.

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