New Reality or a dream? (Mao Isara)

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Warnings: Besides cringe and bad grammar, nothing


There you lay on your bed, tired and quite clearly sick.

You felt utterly terrible, but it'll all go away with a bit of sleep, right?

And so, that's what you did. You close your eyes and let the oncoming sleepiness take you to dreamland.


While sleeping, you sense a figure looming over you.

Which you would normally ignore had you been staying at your parents' house, but guess what? You weren't there right now. You were currently staying at your apartment, which you certainly didn't share with anyone.

Quickly stirring awake, you grab the lapel of the intruder's clothes, put your arm near the armpit, and throw them over.

You were about to bash their head in with the nearby book you had, but you paused when you heard them groan in pain.

'That voice sounds familiar..' you thought, and upon looking much closer to the intruder, you see Mao Isara on the ground.


That didn't make any sense; Mao wasn't real; he's a fictional character!

'What if he's a robber in a cosplay!?' The thought was absurd, but hey, the current situation itself was absurd.

You were pulled away from your thoughts by the sudden voice that entered the space.

"Oww..What'd you hit me for..? That hurt" The robber cosplayer mumbled

You observed the man once more and finally noticed how your surroundings were different.

This room wasn't your bedroom; hell, this place wasn't even your apartment!

So that means that this intruder didn't just invade your home but also kidnapped you while you were asleep!

"-ello? Y/N? Are you alright?"

"You aren't sick, are you?" The man puts the back of his palm to your forehead.

"Geez! You're burning up! C'mon, let's get you to your room." The man hurriedly ushers you to what you now presume to be your bedroom.

Why did you just let the man basically drag you to your "bedroom" without putting up a fight? You honestly don't know yourself, but what you do know is that you're feeling ill. Very ill

After laying you down, the man rushed to get some medicine and, apparently, soup.

Hearing the bedroom door shut seemed to shake you out of your stupor.

You then begin to assess the situation.


'Alright, so the last thing I remember doing is falling asleep in bed. Then I suddenly awoke in this mysterious house. apartment? dorm? and, uh, a weird kidnapper who likes to cosplay."

'I could probably escape through the window, but seeing how high up this place is, I would definitely break my legs, which isn't ideal if I want to escape. The front door is out of the question too; I don't even know the layout of this place, and it could be locked, hello neighbor basement door style."

After realizing that you were basically not figuring anything out, you decide to look around the room.

The bedside table had a lamp, a clock, a picture frame, and a tumbler filled with cold water inside.

The walls were painted in f/c, and the decor was something you had only dreamt of having. Things that you wanted to buy but couldn't because of your budget.

'Let's see... a closet full of clothes that are quite fashionable, if I do say so myself." These clothes were definitely your size and fit your personal tastes. It seems the kidnapper did his research.

'Wait a minute. Did I just see a picture frame earlier? 'You quickly look around the room once more until your eyes land on the frame placed atop the bedside table.

You quickly grab it, and to your surprise, there in the frame was a picture of you with Ritsu Sakuma and Mao Isara. Two of your favorite characters in the game Ensemble Stars

Hooray! It looks like you got isekai'd in an alternate universe where you live in the Enstars world.

A knock on the door catches your attention.

It seems that Mao finished making the soup.

"Ahem..Come in! "

The door swings open, revealing the maroon-haired man holding a bowl of soup, a glass of water, and a pack of medicine.

"Here. Eat it while it's still hot." He places the items on your nightstand.

Still refusing to believe you got isekai'd in the Enstars suspiciously look at the soup.

"Why're you just staring at it? "

"C'mere, sit." He forces you to sit on the bed and grabs your ✨✨epic gamer chair✨✨.

He grabs the spoon and scoops out some soup, then blows on it to cool it down.

He then puts the spoon near your lips, signaling you to open them.

It seems that Mao Isara will be spoon-feeding you today. That's one thing you never expected to happen.

"I'm not hungry, I-" Like a cliche scene in some drama or anime, your stomach growls, betraying what you had just said.

"Pfft." He struggles to stop his laughter, but it soon fails, leading him to burst out in laughter.

He scoops some up again, cools it down, and puts it on your lips. This time, you allow yourself to open your mouth and swallow the soup.

He chuckles,

"What? Why're you laughing?? "

"It's just... it really boosts my confidence whenever you eat my cooking, y'know? That sparkle in your eyes tells me that you enjoy it."

"W-Well, it is delicious..So..ugh..just feed me more, please..I'm hungry."

Mao chuckles, "Alright~ say ahh~"

You close your eyes and open your mouth

When you reopen them again, instead of "your room" and Mao in front of you you're greeted with the sight of Trey Clover spoon feeding you

"Hm? What's wrong? Is it still too hot?" He blows on the soup before attempting to spoon feed it to you again



"You're Trey, like..Trey Clover!?"

"Uhm, yes, that's me. Trey Clover" He seems surprised by your sudden change of..Mood? You assume


Part 1 ends here! Other parts will hopefully be released soon <3


.ೃ࿐Votes, comments, and reactions are highly appreciated! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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