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5 December 2023

It had just passed midnight, and Gracie was in bed with Trevor. She couldn't get to sleep no matter how hard she tried. Trevor was fast asleep next to Gracie, snoring softly.

Gracie was thinking about Alison and about what she was doing. She felt like she was driving herself crazy. Gracie wondered if it was time to just message her back. She saw her messages from three weeks ago. But she didn't know how to respond.

She sat up from bed and stared at the blank wall before getting the courage to grab her phone. Gracie turned her phone on and went to messages to finally explain to Alison what was happening. But as she looked up her contact, nothing came up. Gracie then went over to instagram and looked up Alison's account but it was the same result. Nothing.

Alison blocked her on everything. And now she has no way of contacting her. Gracie placed her phone back on the bedside table and looked up to the celling, trying to suppress the tears that were forming in her eyes.

                    ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Alison tossed and turned in bed trying to force herself to go to sleep. She felt a bit homesick. She was usually used to being far from home but this time it was different. She thought that blocking Gracie and deleting photos of her would give her peace of mind but it gave her the complete opposite.

She let out a sigh of frustration, angry with herself for not being able to go to fall asleep. Alison threw the covers off herself and got out of bed. She walked out the bedroom and into the living area. The hotel she was staying in wasn't exactly big but it wasn't exactly small either. She slopped down onto the couch and started to slouch. Alison looked over to the door and notice her guitar sitting against the wall.

She got up and grabbed the guitar and sat back down. The directors of the show told her she should start learning the instrument. So far she's been loving playing guitar. She started learning three months ago. Alison remembers all the times where Gracie helped her learn. She remembered all the times where Gracie would get impatient because Alison would always play the wrong chords by accident. She remembered all the times where they would just sit and laugh with each other because of all the stupid things Alison said.

Alison felt a single tear roll down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and placed her hand around the fingerboard of the guitar and started playing the first song that came to mind.

"I hold onto the night, you looked me in the eye and told me you loved me.Were you just kidding? Cause it seems to me, this thing is breaking down. We almost never speak I don't feel welcome anymore. Baby what happened? Please tell me Cause one second it was perfect, now you're halfway out the door..." Alison sang softly as she played the right chords After she finished singing that verse, she rested her head on the guitar.

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July 7,2023
Conan, Beatrice and Alison walk towards the bar in the nightclub. They arrived not so long ago. The three friends all laughed and drank together. After a couple of minutes, Beatrice went to go find the guy who said he has weed for them all, leaving Alison and Conan on their own.

That was until one of Conan's friend came and took him to dance. Alison found herself sitting at the bar all by herself. She sat there in silence and taped on her glass as she wondered where Beatrice went.

"Now what's a pretty girl doing here all alone?" Alison hears a deep voice and looks over to see a guy who looked way older than her. He looked like he was in his mid thirties. He had dirty short blond hair with a stubby beard.

"...ok?" Alison said clearly uncomfortable about what was happening. She looked around the club to see if Conan and Beatrice was anywhere so they can help her get out of this weird situation.

The man lets out a low chuckle, "looking for someone pretty girl?" The man gave her an uneasy smirk that was truly unsettling.

"I...uh" Alison was starting to get really uncomfortable and started to think of ways she could get this man to get away from her.

"Come on, let me buy you another drink." The man said with confidence. He started to walk up closer to Alison.

"No what?" Alison declined and was now scared of how close the man was getting to her.

"Come on, pretty girl don't be so difficult." The man was starting to get extremely close to her face. He was about to say something else but someone shoved him away before he could get any more words out.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" The man exclaimed as he turned to look at the person who pushed him.

"My problem? What's your problem?! Leave her the fuck alone dude!" A woman yells back at him and shoved him again which gets him further away from Alison.

The man looks around and notices that half the club is looking at him. He shook his head and scoffed, "yeah fuck you." And with that he storms out the club. Shoving everyone who got in his way.

"Prick." The woman scoffed before turning her attention to Alison. "Hey are you okay? Sorry about that asshole." The woman asks Alison, her voice laced with concern. Alison looks at the woman. The woman had black hair that just passed her shoulders and she had the kindest brown eyes. She had a couple of freckles that were scattered around her face. Alison stared at her facial features for a couple of seconds before realising that she was waiting for her to respond.

"No yeah, yeah I'm fine just shocked I guess." Alison responded back. "Thanks by the way." Alison continued to look up at her. As Alison looks at the woman she starts to notice that she looks familiar. "Hey, do I know you? I feel like I've seen you before." Alison asks the woman with curiosity.

"Yeah you might've seen me before. I'm Gracie, I opened for Taylor Swift so that's where you've probably seen me from." Gracie responded while smiling down at Alison.

"Oh yeah! Of course you're Gracie Abrams, dude you're so cool! I'm actually going to the Eras tour tomorrow with my brother so I'm really excited to see you preform your set." Alison expresses as Gracie takes out a chair and sits down  next to her.

"Thank you so much I'll look out for you. You're Alison Kelce, right?" Gracie asks and Alison nods her head.

"Yeah,yeah that's me. Wait you know me?" Alison asks generally shocked that Gracie knows her.

"Yes oh my god I loved you in the last of us, you were so amazing in that."

Gracie and Alison talked for what felt like ages after that. They laughed with each other and just enjoyed each other company.Even though Alison only met Gracie today, she felt like she's known her since forever.

As Gracie talks about experience of being on the eras tour, Alison can't help but think about how truly beautiful she really is. She loved Gracie's smile, her laugh, her freckles, her hair and her eyes. Alison felt like she could just stare into her eyes forevermore.

"Anyway, so what's it like being an actress?" Gracie asked and sounded genuinely interested.

"Oh you know, it's great and everything. Even though some days it's absolutely exhausting and draining. But other than that I love acting. And the finished product always makes it worth it." Alison responded while still looking into Gracie's eyes.

Gracie was about to respond before Beatrice came out of nowhere and pulled Alison up from the couch and dragged her away.

"Come on, I found the guy who said he has the weed!" Beatrice said while dragging Alison further away from Gracie. Alison looked back to see if she could still see the black haired woman but the crowd blocked her vision from seeing her.

Guys I'm going to the eras tour next week... NEXT WEEK.

GOOD LUCK BABE! - Gracie Abrams x OCWhere stories live. Discover now