chaper one: Myself

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...Meet the Author...

My Name is Fengo and WeisserWolf. Shortly I've got many Names preferable being called Fengo. I am a twenty year old writer, that loves, the forest, writing and their dog. Call me they/them is fine or just Myself. Shortcut is MS.

How I came to the writing?

I write since I'm 12 years old and I made some fantasy storys back in elementaryschool. My first and oldest Book is a story of a Wolf called „Dämonenblut" I started that story when I was twelve and still continue since I never finished it. I wanted to be an Author, since I knew my Mom was writing (mostly for herself) too.

What are my interests?

Well easy said I love creative stuff, mostly writing, but also I do love spending tme with my mixbreed Dog and I do love sleeping! Who doesen't huh? I'm on the other hand a MMO-addicted gamer and part of a international community and speak english almost as good as german.

Do I have Fears?

I sure do. a lot fears. Some phobias aswell but my biggest fear is loosing my Dog or a member of my Family. I love them more than I love myself even I don't show that often, lmao. Also I have a bigger fear of spiders..

What are my genres?

I have to tell you guys, I love writing fanfictions, it is a big part of my writing but in my honest opinion, I do prefer the Fantasy Genre with, Princesses, Warrior's, Dragons and magical abilities. But stay away with the prince gets the princess! Ewh! That brings me to the next..

Hero or Villian?

I am totally a Villian freak and if they have a good reason to be Villians I love them even more! Lol. But it alwasy depends of the Kind of Story I write / read sometimes I do like Heroes too but well thats how I think about it.

Favorite movies?

Sure next to writing or reading I watch a lot movies. Preferred Disney ones or Dreamworks. My most beloved and favorite Movie is How to train your Dragon, If not animated then I love Togo and Seargent Rex. Both movies about Friendship and ofc Dogs..

Well thats a bit about me, wanna know some stuff more hit me up in the comments and I might tell you, I'm to lazy to translate it to german so live with it have fun and cya guys around, or in my comments.


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