prologue : saving a freshman!

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[ TW‼️ short chapter, again. ]

[[ [N]'S ROOM ]]

"oh my sevens, that was close..." Ame sighed in relief thanks to [N] not revealing their name or malleus gonna be suspicious about it "thank sevens I didn't reveal their name..."

([A/N] : note that malleus thinks that kiyoko is from queendom of roses and malleus would think how the heck did they met when they're from a different place)

"By the way... I think at this time the three brain cells and yuu are probably at the mine, should we save them?"

"No ame, let's just... Not disturb their moment." [N] refused but ame whined instead "are you sure? We've got nothing else to do!"

"Yes but... You know what fine, let's go." "YIPPE!!!"


"hope we weren't too late..." [N] hoped before looking at ame signing that hes should it "what? You do it!"

"No, you do it, your the one bringing me into this."

"Okay fine... Ahem O, dark mirror take us to the dwarf's mine!"


"Aaaannnddd... We're here."
Ame said arriving at the dwarfs mine "I think they should be grabbing the magistone and fight the blot monster thingy"

[[ YUU'S POV : ]]

we got the magistone but we're still chased by a fucking giant ass black inky thingy and us running from our lives now we just gon' fight it, why? Cause it's weak.

Deuce, ace and grim are actually fighting it but it won't fricking die.
"Why is it not dying yet?!"

Not until a big blast of water magic is aimed at the head and it died.

But who?

"Errrmmmm... Are you guys okay?" We all turned around and saw someone with medium length hair but the other one is shorter and... Has a different eye color on the other side "who are you?" Grim asked which the other one answered "a person. JK! were from NRC different dorm and were second year transfers"

Well I don't know which dorm is that.

"To be more specific were from Diasomnia dorm, and i can tell that you both are from heartslabyul." The blue one ([N]) said glancing at both ace and deuce but tf are they??

"That doesnt answer the question." Ace commented before they introduce themselves better "sigh I'm [N] rain. This is my brother... Ame rai-" They got cut off until the other [H]nette pulled them to somewhere

"Anyway! We're going and be thankful we saved you and don't say anything to the headmaster about us!"

Aaaaanndddd...they left.

"What does that mean?" - grim

"He means he doesn't want them to be mentioned that he saved us?" -deuce

"At least we got the magistone rather than dying there right?" - ace



"The hell was that ame?" The younger [H]nette said looking at their brother "look, what if malleus or others are looking for us and we have to make an excuse about it?"

"Yeah but, you didn't HAVE to pull me like that!"

"Anyway, sneak back to the dorm chop-chop."


The two was just walking not until silver spotted them in the hallways "[N], ame? I thought you were in your room?"

"You see..." Ame sweatdropped trying to find a lie until [N] did "ame lost something but it was actually in his pockets."

"Yeah! We had to look outside because I just remembered that I dropped it outside but it didn't actually fall out, it was still in my pockets haha..." Ame said finally came up with the lie while side-eyeing on [N]

"It's that so? It's good to double check I'll be heading to my room" Silver said before walking past the twins watching him walking away before continuing to walk to their room "that was... Close. Your sometimes a fast thinker."

"I know, hope we didn't run into them again before I'm gonna go rock their shit if I had to save them again from trouble."

"Damn bro, chill..."

[[ [N]'S ROOM ]]

[ [N]'S POV ]

I better stay distant from them or else I'm gonna get my ass being part of it and just rewatching cells at work for the comedy shit just to laugh my ass off before sleeping and finally reaching 3 episodes I'm sleeping.

"Yawn good night jawz..." I said before sleeping and hugging the 80cm long ikea blahaj that mom bought me that I named jawz



Were finally back and the headmaster is actually crying because how we go in the mine just for the stone ( how old is he? ) , and then he was yapping about how I'm an beast tamer because I tamed grim.

What's the fun part?

Me and grim are two-in one student now so if one of us fail then we fail together and ace, deuce explusion is finally gone but I still blame grim for burning the queen of hearts statue and destroying the magic chandelier

And I'm still curious about the other dorm all I know is diasomnia and heartslabyul because those... Almost Identical people mentioned it and, I know nothing about it


Fun facts!

🌧 did you know? Ame isn't good at lying but [N] does!

💧 you got the skk and sskk nendroids because you ship them🥰 (srry for those who like different ships for them :( )

🌧 [N] doesn't want to save the decaying brain cells in the mines because they don't want to be included in the trouble

💧and ame gets the sign. (So he told them not to 😋)





(Fuck them doing it vertically) HES FINALLY HOME😍😍😍

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(Fuck them doing it vertically) HES FINALLY HOME😍😍😍

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