"god, i love this place."

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when mila arrived in wakanda, shuri was very welcoming

"ah! there you are! i'm so happy to see you again." she said, before looking her up and down. "but i must say.. i remember you having better fashion."

mila laughed "good to see you to. ya know i wanted to come back to wakanda for a while now. what a better excuse than my leg is green?"

shuri choked "your leg is green!? that is a serious health problem! you could have lost your leg!"

"then i'll be the summer soldier.." she joked

"not funny." shuri reminded her

"right, my bad." mila said.

"lets get you checked up on. kay?" shuri said

they took mila away to shuri's lab to inspect her leg. it was nothing crazy, so it was treated easily, except for the fact she had to wear a wrap, which was very itchy

just as she was going to ask about him, t'challa showed up.

"hello mila." he says with a warm smile

"t'challa!" she says. "so good to finally see you again, how have you been?"

he smiles "i've been fine. i see you've been having fun." he teases

"oh yes, so much fun." she chuckles

"so what brings you to wakanda, of all places?" he asks

"i'm on the run, from hydra." she says "apparently i'm a threat, and they sent the winter soldier to find me." she rolls her eyes

"make yourself at home for as long as you need." he says. "i'll see you around."

"see ya." she says, before he leaves.

the next few weeks her leg began to heal, and she used wakanda as a hideaway. hydra didn't find her, and figured it was safe now.

"if you need ANYTHING, you let me know okay?" shuri says

"yes yes, i know." mila chuckles

"i'm going to miss you, come back okay?" she says

"i will." mila says smiling, before the jet takes off, and she's gone.

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