perfect humans don't exist.

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The bus rattled down the familiar route, stopping periodically to let students on and off. Y/N sat by the window, lost in her thoughts as the cityscape blurred past. She was an electronics and communication major at her university, known for her high standards and introverted nature. She preferred her own company, finding solace in the predictable routine of her life.

Every day, she noticed a senior who shared her bus. Bang Chan. He was everything she admired in a person—introverted, tall, handsome, a true gentleman, and a stellar student. He never talked to girls, which made him even more appealing to her. His reserved nature mirrored her own, and she couldn't help but develop a huge crush on him. However, her shyness kept her from ever approaching him.

As weeks turned into months, Y/N found herself looking forward to the bus rides, cherishing the brief moments when she could quietly admire Bang Chan from a distance. They never spoke, but she felt a silent connection. It was enough to see him every day, to share the same space, even if it was just for the duration of the bus ride.

One particularly rainy day, Y/N boarded the bus, her hair damp and her glasses foggy. She glanced towards the back, hoping to catch a glimpse of Bang Chan. To her surprise, he was sitting alone, his usual serene expression replaced by a hint of melancholy. Gathering her courage, she took a deep breath and made her way towards him.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

He looked up, a gentle smile breaking through his gloom. "No, it's free. Please, sit."

Heart pounding, Y/N sat down beside him, clutching her bag nervously. The bus started moving, and for a few minutes, they sat in silence, the only sound being the patter of rain against the windows.

"I'm Y/N," she finally said, her voice trembling.

"Bang Chan," he replied, his smile growing warmer.

That simple exchange opened the door to countless conversations. Over time, Y/N and Bang Chan grew closer. They shared their dreams, their fears, and their passion for their studies. Y/N discovered that Bang Chan was not only intelligent but also incredibly kind-hearted. He encouraged her, supported her, and became her confidant.

Despite their growing bond, Y/N remained hesitant to confess her feelings. She feared rejection, worried that admitting her love might shatter the delicate balance they had created. But Bang Chan seemed to understand her without words. He was patient, never pushing her beyond her comfort zone.

One evening, after an intense study session at the library, Bang Chan walked Y/N to the bus stop. The sun had set, and the campus was bathed in the soft glow of streetlights. They stood in comfortable silence, the cool breeze rustling the leaves.

"Y/N," Bang Chan said suddenly, his voice gentle yet firm. "There's something I need to tell you."

Her heart skipped a beat. "What is it?"

He took a deep breath, his eyes meeting hers. "I... I care about you a lot. More than just a friend."

Y/N's breath caught in her throat. She had longed to hear those words, but now that they were spoken, a wave of fear washed over her. "Bang Chan, I... I feel the same way. But..."

"But what?" he asked softly, his eyes searching hers.

"I'm scared," she admitted. "Scared that this might just be a dream, that it will all disappear."

Bang Chan cupped her face in his hands, his touch warm and reassuring. "This is real, Y/N. I'm real. And I won't disappear."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she leaned into his embrace, finally allowing herself to believe in the possibility of love.

As their relationship blossomed, Y/N found herself happier than she had ever been. Bang Chan was her anchor, grounding her in a world that often felt overwhelming. They spent their days studying together, sharing quiet moments, and dreaming about the future.

But as time passed, Y/N began to notice subtle inconsistencies. Sometimes, Bang Chan would disappear for days without explanation. When she asked their mutual friends about him, they seemed confused, unable to recall any significant details about him. Doubts began to creep into her mind, but she brushed them aside, convinced that her love was real.

One evening, as she was organizing her notes, she came across an old photograph of a group project from her first year. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that Bang Chan was not in the picture, even though he had claimed to be part of the group. Panic set in, and she began to question everything.

Determined to find answers, Y/N visited the university archives, searching for any record of Bang Chan. Hours turned into days, and she found nothing. No enrollment records, no student ID, no evidence of his existence. The realization hit her like a tidal wave—Bang Chan was a figment of her imagination, a creation of her mind.

Shattered by the truth, Y/N spiraled into a deep depression. Her world crumbled around her as she struggled to come to terms with her psychotic disorder. The realization that she had been delusional all this time was too much to bear. The love she had cherished, the person she had trusted, had never been real.

One rainy evening, she found herself at the bus stop where it had all begun. She stood alone, the weight of her heartbreak pressing down on her. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered to the empty space beside her, "Bang Chan, why did you have to be a dream?"

The wind carried her words away, leaving her in silence. Y/N knew she had to find a way to move forward, to rebuild her life piece by piece. But the memory of Bang Chan, her imaginary love, would forever haunt her, a bittersweet reminder of the fragility of the human mind.

In the years that followed, Y/N sought therapy and slowly began to heal. She focused on her studies, her career, and eventually found solace in helping others who struggled with similar disorders. She learned to differentiate between reality and illusion, finding strength in her resilience.

But every now and then, she would find herself on a familiar bus route, gazing out the window, and she would remember the boy who had never existed. A part of her would always love him, the perfect gentleman who had been her companion in her loneliest moments.

And though their love had been an illusion, the lessons she learned from that imaginary relationship stayed with her forever. She had discovered her capacity to love deeply, to trust, and to dream. And in the end, those were the gifts that Bang Chan had given her, even if he had only been a figment of her mind.

The End.

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