88~ Drifting Apart

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Yana's POV

His hot breath fell on the crook of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Dare you to do that, Jaan," he whispered and I stood there with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"There is no way for you to escape me until I permit you too, Jaana" he uttered as his lips touched mine and his fingers clutched my braid painfully asking for entrance.

His tongue moved into my mouth as his hand made its way inside my gown while I stood there letting him toy me the way he wants.

"Looking hot, ex-wife," he complimented kissing my nape before slowly moving away from me and eyeing my body intentionally.

I didn't dare to look at him and turned to walk out, only to be pulled into his hard embrace with his veiny arm wrapped around me.

He breathed near my ears, causing me to breath his scent after ten days, which felt more like years.

"Lift those eyes," he commanded, his tone dominating as he forcefully lifted my jaw, causing me to look at our reflection.

My tear-stained face and his emotionless eyes were a contrasting feature, nowhere near a pleasing sight.

"Doesn't this look perfect?" He asked, wiping the blood from my lips with his thumb, while his lips trailed over my bare shoulder. He wiped his fingers on my flesh and whispered, causing my heart to ache in extreme pain.

"The smell of your blood disgusts me, reminding me of whose blood you are," his palm slowly slid to my stomach as he lifted my gown and touched my bare belly. His hot breaths continued to fan my ears as he uttered each word.

"Don't you want to hate me? I killed our daughter with my very own hand."

More tears flooded my eyes as I stared at our reflection, his palm on my stomach, caressing my empty womb lovingly.

I had nothing to say, nor even pain to express to him. I accepted that I was the reason I lost our daughter because I chose to love Ardhansh Singhaniya.

"Speak, Jaan. Curse. I am eager to hear that voice," he said, his warm palm roaming on my bare belly, but I didn't get courage to open my chapped lips, but still I gathered my broken modesty.

"She is gone, Ardhansh. Your daughter is no more. The only child you were impatiently waiting for to come into this world is no more."

I finally broke the silence from my side, and his hold tightened on my stomach, but I didn't move not wanting to get intimidated by him.

His slender fingers moved on my palm, sliding something in my finger and I realised it was ring.

"The only memory you can have of our daughter," he whispered sliding my dress a little down and sucking my collar bone.

Something hit me and I glanced at the rich diamond ring to see it was customized perfectly, there was something fixed into the white diamond with liquid flowing around it and a realisation dawned upon me-umbilical cord.

I controlled my tears, and a smile crept onto my lips as I looked at the ring. I kept my palm on his before speaking, staring into the mirror, trying to seek comfort in that false reflection.

"How can you be so cruel, Ardhansh? You've gotten into the habit of gifting scars on my soul and then applying ointments. And you expect me to hate you. How can someone be so ruthless with someone still manage to manipulate that person in loving him?" I mumbled, clutching his large palm in my small one, not wanting to let him go away from me, but his eyes were still empty showing no signs of humanity.

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