Chapter 7: The Encounter

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Abhimanyu sat at his expansive mahogany desk, his eyes locked on the screen of his laptop. He had spent hours meticulously planning how to weave Aanushka further into his world. The morning sunlight streamed through the penthouse windows, casting a warm glow over the room filled with photos of her, each one capturing her innocence and beauty.

#### 1. Abhimanyu's Manipulation Begins

Abhimanyu's first step was to ensure that Aanushka was constantly within his reach. As the CEO, he had the authority to allocate tasks and projects. He began assigning her high-profile responsibilities that required them to collaborate closely.

"Aanushka, I need you to lead this project," he said one morning, handing her a thick file. "It's crucial for the company's future. We'll need to work together on this."

Aanushka looked surprised but pleased. "Of course, sir. I'll do my best."

Over the following weeks, their professional interactions became more frequent. Abhimanyu crafted situations where Aanushka would seek his guidance. He would subtly delay approvals or create minor issues, only to step in and 'rescue' her. Each time, Aanushka's gratitude deepened her reliance on him.

#### 2. Building Trust

Abhimanyu understood the importance of building trust. He began showing small acts of kindness, each carefully calculated to make Aanushka feel supported.

One day, Aanushka was struggling with a complex financial report. Abhimanyu noticed her frustration and approached her desk.

"Having trouble?" he asked, his voice soft and concerned.

She looked up, her expression one of relief. "Yes, this report is a nightmare."

He pulled up a chair and sat beside her, explaining the intricacies patiently. "Here, let me show you a simpler method."

As he guided her, Aanushka felt a wave of gratitude. "Thank you so much, sir. I don't know what I'd do without your help."

Abhimanyu smiled, satisfied with the progress. He listened attentively whenever she shared her dreams and aspirations, making her feel understood and valued. She confided in him about her ambitions and fears, not realizing that each word only strengthened his hold over her.

#### 3. The Personal Touch

Abhimanyu's gestures extended beyond the professional realm. He began making thoughtful gestures that made Aanushka feel special. He surprised her one morning with her favorite coffee.

"I noticed you always get the same coffee," he said, handing her the cup. "Thought you might need a pick-me-up today."

Aanushka's eyes lit up. "Thank you, sir. That's really thoughtful of you."

He also took note of her personal problems, stepping in to help whenever possible. When her car broke down, Abhimanyu arranged for a mechanic to fix it and had it returned to her without charge.

"You didn't have to do that," Aanushka said, amazed.

"It's no trouble," he replied smoothly. "I just want to make sure you're taken care of."

Abhimanyu also began sharing selective personal stories, crafting an image of vulnerability and relatability. He spoke of his childhood, his struggles, and his path to success, creating a sense of intimacy between them.

One evening, as they wrapped up a late meeting, Abhimanyu leaned back in his chair. "You know, Aanushka, when I started out, I faced so many obstacles. It was the support of a few good people that kept me going."

Aanushka listened intently, feeling a growing connection. "It's inspiring to hear that, sir. Thank you for sharing."

Abhimanyu smiled inwardly. His plan was unfolding perfectly. Aanushka was beginning to see him not just as a boss, but as a mentor, a confidant, and perhaps soon, something more.

As days turned into weeks, Abhimanyu's manipulation subtly but effectively deepened Aanushka's dependence on him. She was drawn into his orbit, unaware of the dark obsession that fueled his every action. For Abhimanyu, each step brought him closer to his ultimate goal: to make Aanushka his, in every way possible.

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