13. Mangoes & Mischiefs

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"Kyeomie, You sure about this?"

"I know hyung it's your first time but trust me, nothing will go wrong. You can rest assured, I am experienced in this."

"I trust you, but this doesn't seem right. You know--"

"I will not force you into anything. It's totally up to you. But, this is the best chance we have. Mom's not coming home for another hour at least. We have the whole house to ourselves right now."

"Okay, go ahead," Joshua said with a sigh. "Just tell me what I have to do."

"Hyung, I don't wanna force you into this. I just thought it will fun thing to do after our hangout. If you don't wanna then we can maybe watch some movie until mom comes home and we could drop you off to your home."

Joshua placed his hands on Dokyeom's waist staring at him ever so affectionally, while he explained himself.

"Let's do it, Kyeom. What can even go wrong?"

[10 minutes later]

"Okay, mangoes are added. Now we need vanilla ice cream." Dokyeom said to no one in particular as he read the recipe off his mother's cooking book.  His mother always loved to write down any recipe she discovered.

"Shua Hyung, bring the tub of vanilla ice cream." Dokyeom ordered to his hyung who was busy searching for sprinkles in the pantry.

A few minutes later Joshua returned with a tub of ice cream but with a frown on his face.  "Minnie, I couldn't find the sprinkles."

"Don't worry, my sister must have displaced it. She has sprinkles fixation, I don't know why."

"Some people eats random things during periods. Maybe that's the case." Joshua suggested while putting the scoopful of ice cream in the mixer. Dokyeom just giggled in response.

"Now, how do I do this?" Dokyeom murmured fidgeting with the mixer's settings and many buttons.

"Here, let me see." Joshua made his way over where Dokyeom has been busy figuring out the functions of the monstrous machine. 

After many you tube tutorials and bickering they finally figured it out, or they thought so.

Joshua watched nervously as Dokyeom started the machine.

"Okay, here we g--"

But before Dokyeom could finish, a whirlwind of mango chunks and ice cream erupted, splattering across the kitchen.


The kitchen descended into chaos. Laughter erupted as they surveyed the kitchen turned modern art exhibit. Mangoes and ice cream dripped from the ceiling, splattered on the walls, and adorned their hair, face and clothes.

Amidst the sugary mess, they found a moment of joy.

"Operation Mango Storm: unexpectedly successful," Dokyeom quipped, plucking a piece of mango from his sticky locks.Joshua chuckled, "Looks more like Operation Clean-Up now."

"We should try with lid closed next time." Dokyeom said and both bursted out laughter again.

"And maybe helemets too." Joshua added between laughs.

"Hyung, look, we still have few pieces of mangoes left around here." Dokyeom said as he picked up a piece of it from the kitchen counter and started it towards his mouth.

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