Chapter Seven

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Not a drop of alcohol left in the mini fridge, the refusal for a second or maybe it was a third bottle of wine up to the room per this hotel's policy, and the two of you were standing on the bed with massive grins across your faces before you fell onto the comforter with a squeal of laughter as she pushed you down with a tackle. You had no idea why you guys were laughing so hard or even on the bed in the first place, but both of you were beyond tipsy, borderline drunk, and it felt good to feel this carefree for once.

"It was a simple question!" She was shouting over your guys' laughter, and you slowly remembered when she added, "Do you have to make everything dirty?"

"Yes! Because what is life without the filth!" You declared and she laughed, tickling your sides a little until you squirmed out of her hold to land on the floor with a thud, choking out a loud laugh when she froze, "You pushed me off! Forced me to walk the plank!"

She crawled to the edge of the rather quite high off the floor bed and offered her hand with a lopsided smile, but without thinking twice, you took it only to pull her down too. It wasn't graceful, but it got the job done, and now you had a mess of blonde hair in your face while your limbs tangled together, both of you breathless as the air was forced from your lungs due to the impact.

She had taken off her itchy blouse sometime before, claiming it to be too warm once the alcohol settled nicely in her system, and now she was just wearing the white tank top she had underneath. She had let her hair down when you asked if having it tight like that hurt after a bit and you smiled when she looked up to meet your eyes now.

She seemed so vulnerable like this, like she never really let people see this side of herself, and sure, she's been hanging out with you eating, drinking, watching crap television, and just talking about anything for the past – whoa, okay, five hours – when did it become so late?? But you were still surprised she trusted you fast enough to be so comfortable.

"You smell good." She muttered without thinking and there was a pause before you both started laughing as she climbed off, so she wasn't smothering you.

"Thank you, yes," You were trying to sound serious, but you kept giggling quietly around your words as you pulled out your shirt a little that was stained with purple, and she followed the action with her eyes, biting her bottom lip as her eyes flicked from your chest to your face repeatedly, "It's a mix of plane, sweat, wine, and just a little bit," Your voice went higher, "Of shame."

"Shame?" She wondered with an amused smile, and you sighed dramatically.

"Yes. I have the shame."

She suddenly leaned over to kiss one of your rosy cheeks and you widened your eyes, but before you could respond, she just chuckled, crawling the short distance to your suitcase.

"What..." You trailed off as your eyes were glued to her perfect ass as she did, but then she was sitting back on her ankles as she opened it, "Are you doing?"

"Camera." She explained, holding it up triumphantly when she found it, studying it for a moment and you kind of just watched her with fond all over your expression as she concentrated.

"Want to take a picture?" You wondered, confused as to why she was messing with it, but not really caring that she did.

"Do it for me?" She asked, her eyes big as she turned back to you, holding it out carefully like she was afraid to drop it, and then you took it from her, immediately putting it up to your eye and taking her picture with a cheeky grin, "Hey! I wasn't ready!"

"Nothing's off limits." You hummed her words from before with a shrug, and she scowled at you, but she was smiling.

Then she laid back on the floor with a tired sigh, letting her eyes flutter closed and you moved to kneel by her hip, angling the camera so you could get a panoramic view. You smiled when she didn't even flinch, knowing what you had done, and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from Cheshire-ing when you saw the result.

"Your nose is adorable." You whispered, thinking out loud, and you heard her giggle before you glanced over to see she was peeking out of her mostly shut eyelids to smile at you.

"Thanks," She then smirked, letting her head rest back fully again as she shut her eyes, "Means a lot coming from you."

"Why?" You furrowed your eyebrows, frowning in confusion, and she hummed.

"Well, you spend your days looking at celebrities and models and all those pretty people, so if you say my nose is adorable," She shrugged and you smiled softly as you watched her speak, knowing she wouldn't ramble or be so open and honest if she wasn't a bit out of it from the drinking, "It must mean something. It sticks out to you after seeing thousands of noses and you called it adorable so it must stick out in a good way."

You covered your mouth with a hand, trying not to laugh because half of that was insane, but also just so and your cheeks were warmer, and you just felt so good. Like a weight you've been carrying for the past two weeks had been lifted and it was all because you got drunk with one of the highest paid actresses in the world in some random hotel in London. Wild.

"I'm just so tired." She sighed quietly and your attention snapped to her because even though from the outside, it sounded like a normal thing for someone who's been working hard lately and it being nearly one in the morning to say, but something below the surface had you curious.

"You can stay if you just wanna crash." You offered, treading carefully.

"Thanks," She nodded a fraction, taking you up on the offer, but still not looking at you when she added lower after a long moment, "But that's not what I meant."

And through everything she's told you about her career, her new boyfriend that her manager set her up with that she likes but there's something missing there, and how she hasn't seen or really heard from her family in almost a year, you knew what she was truly talking about. But you didn't know how to help her. Not really. Not yet.

So, you laid back next to her instead and she turned to smile at you, her eyes finally meeting yours and it's like something just clicked into place as the back of her fingers brushed yours.

"When I was little," You started and she smiled just a tiny bit more, so you continued, "My dad used to take me in this mini red, wooden wagon for walks in the early morning, it was always before school when I started that too, and I would wave and greet everyone we passed," You smiled to yourself when she made a noise like she found it precious, "I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I guess it's because sometimes the people I would meet, usually the elderly ones, would always brighten up so much and I think it made both our days," You paused, looking at her again, to find she was already watching you intently, listening closely, "Point is, even when we're...tired, sometimes it's the little things that can make a massive difference, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that," She nudged your arm with her elbow playfully, "I'm also gathering that you were a pretty cute kid."

"Yeah, yeah," You rolled your eyes, trying to act put off, but your smile contradicted it, and then you checked your phone, "But it's still early in New York if you wanted to call them just to say good night or something. I'm sure it would mean a lot."

She considered you for a moment and then pushed herself up before grabbing her phone, but instead of going out into the hall like you figured she would, she sat on the side of the bed, out of your sight. You smiled to yourself as you stayed on the floor, trying not to eavesdrop too much on the conversation, and it wasn't difficult considering you were trying to settle the warmth in your middle.

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