Chapter 1

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It was already night and Barra da Tijuca beach was completely empty. There was little movement in the kiosks and of cars passing by the avenue. In one of these cars, young Matheus was driving anxiously home. His boyish appearance contrasted with the imported and imposing pickup truck he was driving. At the speed he was going, he wouldn't take long to reach his destination, his parents' house, a beautiful penthouse facing the beach. Matheus was nervous about his father's disappearance. It had been over a week since he had any news from him. Eduardo Leite Morata was an important real estate businessman with many ventures in the growing regions of Barra da Tijuca and Recreio dos Bandeirantes. He often traveled to his house in Búzios, but had never been away for so long without any communication. As soon as he arrived home, Matheus parked the car any way he could, went up the exclusive elevator to the penthouse and quickly crossed the door to find his mother, Helena.

– Mother, have you heard anything from him?

– No, Matheus. I told you I'll let you know as soon as he contacts us.

As they argued, Matheus, very nervous, walked back and forth and his mother remained seated on the couch drinking her cup of tea.

- But it's been over a month since he went to Buzios, he's never stayed there for so long. And it's been at least a week since nobody can reach him on his cell phone or the house phone!

- My son, he must have his reasons.

- Whether he has reasons to disappear or not, we need to know if he's okay. You know what needs to be done, and if you don't do it now, I will! - Matheus said, grabbing the cordless phone from the base and heading towards his mother.

- Do you know which number I need to call?

Matheus handed the cordless phone to his mother, took out his cell phone and began to search.

- Okay, it says here that this is the phone number for the police station here in Barra - Matheus showed his mother, who immediately called.

- Good evening, I would like to report a disappearance - Helena ran her hand over her face, visibly uncomfortable making that call. She had never had any contact with the police in her life.

- Okay, I'll wait - she looked at her son, who finally seemed a little more calm. Matheus sat down beside her on the couch.

- My name is Helena Leite Morata, and the disappearance is of my husband, Eduardo Leite Morata.

- In cases like these, the police don't talk much over the phone, especially in a police station like the one in Barra da Tijuca. Out of discretion for the families, who are usually important, they immediately send a detective to gather all the details of the case in person, and Helena just had to give her address to be instructed to wait for the arrival of a police officer at her residence.

- I hope you're right, my son, that calling the police was the right thing to do.

- Why wouldn't it be, Mom? Dad disappeared, he's an important guy and they will find him soon.

- I hope so, Matheus.

The family didn't wait long, in less than thirty minutes, Officer Almeida was announcing himself at the building's entrance and, promptly authorized by Helena, he was soon ringing the doorbell. Helena hesitated for a moment, knowing that by answering the door, she would turn her husband's disappearance, which could be for countless reasons, into a police case. It was true that her husband had never been missing for so long, but she already knew that the traditional marriage had ended. For years, they had been living in a convenience relationship, and therefore, she did not doubt that her husband had his extramarital affairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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