Chapter 1

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Alone, isolated, hiding from all, the boy laid upon the messy hospital bed.

...And his eyes opened amidst the silence, the light of the three moons filled the shoddy hospital room, glistening upon the rusted floor.

'Where.. Am I?', the boy thought; no recollection of anything, his mind a blur.

Even if his memory was a blur, why did his head hurt?

Was he in a battle?.. Did he die?

Though that can't be true if he could still feel his hands.

But it's strange, looking out the cracked window, his eyes squinted, deep in thought.

He... Was he amongst the stars? He held out his hand to the window, reaching out, his pale skin accompanying the moonlight sweetly, yet as he kept reaching out...

THUD! He fell out of his bed, onto the floor headfirst. If his memory wasn't jumbled enough already, it sure as hell is now.

He groaned as he got up, feeling a bit lightheaded, but he focused on his voice, speaking in a mess of English, yet he listened to his androgynous voice as he tested his speech.

"..Ka, Ha.. I.. Nae..muh.. bleh.", he'd sigh as he'd stand up, his feet cold as he'd quietly walk around his room, and he'd stumble upon the cracked mirror, just above the sink, and he thought to himself. 'Am I too short? Seriously?', His head barely poked over the sink, and all he caught a glimpse of was his long silver hair, his hair reaching his shoulders, but he wasn't certain of anything else.

Kssssshhh, the silver-haired boy was moving the bed with a fierce passion, a passion that could even make the Gods cower! Although, they'd probably laugh, considering he could barely move the bed a few feet, but it was a heavy bed after all, and although the bed was diagonal, he could definitely look into the mirror now.

And as he stood upon the rough bed, he got a full glimpse of his hands, he raised an eyebrow in suspicion and confusion, tattoos unseen before were on the back of his hands. Different symbols of... Of.... He knew what it was, but he couldn't put his mind to recall the words, so he just gave up and walked to look at the mirror.

His hands placed upon the sink, he twitched a bit as he didn't expect the sink to be that cold.. Perhaps the window was left open? He didn't know, but as he took a look into the mirror, his mouth widened, his face in utter shock.

His eyes, blessed with heterochromia, his left eye bore a golden, beautiful hue, yet his other... Was less fortunate, his right eye was solely black, a void, but he felt like he had been blessed, yet he couldn't wrap his head around why.

He kept looking intently, noticing his soft childish face, and below his eyes were black tear-like markings that ran down his cheeks, and he pressed his hand against his cheeks, trying to rub off the markings, but, it was as if they were a part of him.

Though, he could wrap his head around one thing amongst these uncertainties... Or was it something that further enhanced his confusion? He didn't know, because how would he? He's only a 13 year old boy, and as he looked into the mirror, his gaze became sharp, his eyebrows furrowed, his face borrowed an expression of no ordinary child, a solemn look.

A weight. He felt it. He felt the weight of someone, no. He felt the weight of millions, perhaps billions?-- No that's not right, it felt like trillions. The longer he let his eyes stare, the heavier the weight felt, the weight so familiar, yet why? His heart knew, but his mind didn't, his heart pounded, beating for freedom, and as he kept watching, he jumped up in surprise as he heard the door slam open.

"Alriiiiiiiiight!~ Miss Karni is here, And today is patient..." A tall woman was speaking, dressed up neatly with a long white dress, likely the nurse of the hospital, and she held out a notebook of sorts, flipping the pages as she'd let out a sigh after stopping at a page. "Patient Filo.. Of course Karni gets the sleepy pa-..." Her voice cut off as her eyes moved from the page, staring blankly at Filo, she looked like she'd seen a ghost.. Her eyes were white after-all. Wait.

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