the crash

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The school day goes as usual, hanging out with friends and smoking. It's finally the end of the day and I decide to go see Bella and let her know that I wont be there for dinner.

"Hey Bella" i shout and she turns to look at me

"Hey um what's up" she looks at me in her her usual dazed state

"I just wanted to let you know that i wasn't gonna be there for dinner since I'm go-

Before i finish my sentence I hear tires screeching behind me but before I can turn I feel something slam into my back pushing me forward. I close my eyes as pain shoots through my body with a scream, and it's as if the world goes silent.  Soon enough everything comes back into focus and I open my eyes seeing people rush over to us. I turn around and see one of the people that Jessica's friends with in his van his head bleeding.

My brain slowly pieces together what happened. I was just hit by a car. at the realization the small amount of adrenaline wares of and I can feel the pain pulsing through my body. It makes me want to cry but I hold it together. I look around from my position on the floor and see Bella in front of me seemingly unharmed. It gives me a sense of comfort knowing that she didn't get hurt.

People are all around me asking if I'm ok and for the first time I don't like the attention because I'm not ok I'm in so much pain and I can't do anything about it. 

Evie finally pushes through the crowd and kneels by my side she's asking me what hurts and I tell her everything. She wraps me in a hug and even though it hurts I'm grateful for the hug and it helps me feel a little better. She whispers in my ear

"after this we'll all have another bonfire on the beach and go for a swim with a fuck ton of weed in you honor"

It makes me laugh which hurts even more but I laugh anyway. 

Soon the ambulance gets there and i'm put on a stretcher and Bella sits in the ambulance with me.

When we get to the hospital I'm taken for x-rays and some other tests. I have a minor concussion  and two of the bones in my back where moved out of place slightly. I'm sitting in a hospital room by myself when doctor Cullen and my Dad walk in. I give them both a small smile as doctor Cullen tells me that I'll be having a minor surgery but to expect to stay over night.

I tell my Dad to go home with Bella and he can pick me up in the morning. With a bit of convincing he finally goes home and only 5 minutes after he does Jacob walks through the door.

"Jacob what are you doing here" I laugh with surprise

"I'm here to see how you are after getting into a car crash like seriously how did that even happen" he looks at me with worry

"hey I'm ok it's no big deal I'll have a minor surgery and I'll be all good" I give him a comforting smile

He attempts to return it but fails. I look him in the eyes feeling bad for worrying him.

"I'm sorry for worrying you" I give him a guilty look

"hey no don't be sorry it's not your fault I'm just being over sensitive it's ok your ok" he comes over to me sitting in the chair by my bed taking my hand looking me in the eyes

I finally let a couple tears fall as I nod my head 

"your right i know but it hurts it really fucking hurts" I talk through my tears 

He stays with me and comforts me the whole night never leaving my side until we eventually fall asleep with him in the chair holding my hand

The next morning my Dad picks me up and takes me home and I have the rest of the week of to recover in bed. While on bed rest they put me on some hard core meds so I don't feel any pain.

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