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Ok, we are finally all in the living room. Let's start the meeting.

"First of all. Why did you hide you're second gender to us?" I asked looking directly at Felix, who was clearly nervous.

-You're seriously asking him that?

Shut the fuck up.

"I-i..I really didn't want to but..I was scared. I was not allowed to tell anyone my second gender..my father hates it." He said mumbling the last part, but I could hear it. "Omegas are already hated, true blood omega are just..the only thing worse than being an omega" He said in a serious voice.

-I fucking hate his father.

Me too.

"Hey..listen to me, ok? From this moment, you have no rules like that ok? You can do whatever you want with you personality, body or voice. Your only rule is to not tell anyone about our work." I said trying to sound soft. "And we don't discriminate anyone. Omega or not you're welcome here." I said smiling.

"O-ok. Thank you.." He responded shyly.

-He's adorable.

Wait what?!

-What? You agree. Don't even try to lie, remember I can feel every single emotion and through you have.

Since when you can talk to me without my permission.

-Since I found our partner and it's giving me more power.

You found what?! And you just told me?

-I was trying to confirm if my theory was correct. And I was right.

Who is it?

-You're really stupid, aren't you?

Just tell me!


"Chan, are you ok?" Changbin asked worried.

"Yeah. I was just talking to-" I said before stopping myself.

Felix looked at me confused.

"You all are free" I said dismissing the meeting. I need a moment.



"I love your scent!" I heard Han said to Felix hugging him.

They will get along really easily. I hope Felix will feel more at ease with us, I really hope so.

-And you're asking me who is our soulmate?! Fr?

"You're worried about him?" Seungmin asked, beside me. I don't know when he got there but ok. "Strange for you to be this worried about a stranger" He continued eating his protein bar.

-He smarter than you.

Wait. You meant Felix?! But..I just met him. I can't feel something for him so quickly.

-He's literally your soulmate.

Yeah but still..

"Oh shut up." I responded.

Is he implying that I like Felix already? I'm not...that..easy.

-Quit lying to yourself.

Quit talking shit about yourself.

-We just share a mind, it doesn't exactly means we're the same person.

Whatever you said.

"I'm just saying, don't need to get so defensive" He responded smirking and going away.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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