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November 13, 2021

As I sit here staring at the laptop's blinking cursor, my breath hitches in my throat just a little. My eyes begin to tear up. My mind and emotions are again at war with each other over whether or not I really want to revisit the hardest, scariest event of my life. You would think that as years go by after a traumatic experience, one's physical and emotional injuries would be healed, or at the very least, well on their way. What is it that I hope to achieve through writing this? I've been pondering that very thing for months now. Is it acceptance, or closure maybe? I guess the answer is that I don't have an answer. But I can tell you that I feel an aching need to do this. Perhaps someone who is going through something similar to what I have experienced will read this and not feel so alone in the world. Or maybe a century from now people will read these accounts and remember the horror that befell the world in the year 2020.

This book is dedicated to the medical personnel who worked themselves well beyond exhaustion to aid and comfort the sick, the dying, and the relatives of both. It is dedicated to the families who have had to go through the utter turmoil of having a relative with Covid-19, not knowing if they would live or die, and not being able to see them in person or give them one last hug or say goodbye. Most importantly, it is dedicated to the victims of the Covid-19 the lives lost and to the ones of us who survived to tell our tale. These accounts are truthful and as accurate as my memory allows. Some people's names have been changed to protect identity, as well as the names of some businesses for the same reason.

Everyone's Covid story is different. Here is mine...

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