Long Live the King!

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Prince George, now soon to be King George V, stood in front of his mirror in his coronation suit, his right hand man standing beside him, already dressed in his attire. "My King, do tell me, are you ready?" His right hand man, Peter Golvonson, asked him. Prince George turned around halfway with a distressed look plastered on his pale face.

Peter was told all the time by him he was not ready to become king, but acknowledged he simply had no choice. But Peter thought since the day has arrived, he would've come to his senses and maybe feel ready to rule this kingdom.

"Is your brain the size of a pepper? I cannot bear the thought of running this kingdom! Let alone all by myself! Pray tell me, do you find me fit for a King? Or do you see me to be a sloth worth mere nothing less than a beggars jar?" He asked, teary eyed.

Peter was taken aback. The Prince had anger issues, but never has he ever seen the future King so distressed like this before. "M-my King, truly I tell you, you are fit to be more than a king. May God be my witness, I tell you, you are worth more than gold from the finest caves." Peter spoke with a soft voice that can put a room of children to sleep. However, he was very careful with his words. One wrong move, and he'll be banished from the kingdom or worse, executed.

Hard steps were heard on the wooden floor as the Prince turned around fully and walked towards him. Peter was afraid, but didn't show it. "Your words seem to be acceptable to me and I do indeed enjoy your presence. May God bless you." He then started to walk away to tell the men waiting at the door he was ready for the ceremony.

"My King! Please spare a minute more!" Peter cried, holding his hand out to him. George stopped and turned around to face a worried Peter."What might be troubling you now, Sir Peter?" "Does the council know the ceremony is to be held today?" "Indeed, Peter. Do not fret." He turned on his heel and walked to the doors, his boots clicking on the old wood, opening the large patterned doors with a clank and a creak, two men were standing in front of the door, bowing.

"My King, are you ready?" One man asked. "Indeed, begin the preparations, for I desire this ceremony short, as I have.. issues to address with the council." "As you wish." Then the four men turned and walked away down the massive hallway, and toward the entrance to the balcony of the castle. There outside, millions of people from the country flow the front, waiting for their future ruler to step out.

The double doors opened and the Prince strode out.

When he did, the crowd went wild. Yelling, screaming, cheering, after the death of the previous heir George's brother, Prince Tobias Duke of Cloverfield, the kingdom was devastated. The king who died with him saved a letter. They both died via a fire, and it seems the King, king Luther III, knew it would happen and set out instructions for Tobias, not knowing that he would die with him. They were ecstatic knowing that their hope of a new ruler wasn't gone, and they hoped that George would save them all and keep the independence from Forier.

But George never opened the letter, he vowed not to open it until the imperial crown rested on his head, and he was officially King of Demria.

George stepped out and waved the way his mother taught him. Cupped hand waving left to right at an angle. His mother relinquished her title as queen consort, and immigrated to another country after the kings death. Standing to the right was Peter smiling at the crowd below.

After the wave, they turned and walked back inside. The doors closed with a loud creak and slam,"This day is to be as holy as the Sabbath day. For my words speak no blasphemy, but to hold glory to God. Understood?" George told his men. "Yes my king. We shall go now to prepare the throne and polish the crown for you." They bowed again and George shooed them off. "So be it."

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