Long Live the King! .2

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"As you wish." The man replied and George walked out, signaling Peter to follow him, with Erskine staring with the eyes of pure hatred and jealousy. Peter passed by him and walked out to follow George to his room. Which was back on the Second floor, but right next to the stairs. They stepped up on the stairs with a steady pace, and walked into his room. George walked to his mirror again like earlier and fixed his brown hair, mustache and beard. He had brown hair moved to the right side of his head with the rest of his hair on the left and around normally, and this beard was about 9 inches long, brown as well, and his mustache was long and curved upward on the tips of his mustache.

"I do look pleasing to see? Right, Peter?" "Yes, my king of course you do." George smiled. Then there was knocking at the door which was opened and they both turned around to find Lady Mary, another maid. She did a curtsy and straightened herself, "Apologies for the interruption, but the rulers and higher powers and other guests have been let in and are residing in the pews. The food has been set up and the crown has been polished. We are ready whenever you are, my king."

George smiled, immensely pleased with her information and the way she provided it. "Tell them I will be down soon. Tell everyone to get the ceremony started, if you will." "Of course, your majesty." She turned and sped down the hallway and stairs and then down to the great hall where everyone was talking, "Everyone, silence for a moment!" Lady Mary cried, but no one listened. She pouted for a minute and was about to speak again when, "Aye! Listen to the lady! Don't be an ignorant barnacle!" One of the high powers of Forier declared.

She blushed a bit now that everyone was staring at her, some glaring as they were in a deep conversation. "Ah, yes, thank you. The Prince has commanded everyone settle down and prepare for the ceremony, as he will arrive down in a bit!" She said and everyone scattered to get to their seats and she ran out back to the kitchen. The room was silent. Until trumpets blared at the entrance to the hall, "All rise for Prince George!"

Everyone stood up, in the pews and in the balconies. The tall wide doors were opened by two guards, and a man in white and red robes with white rope tied around his waist and a rosary around his neck walked in with a high crown of his own. He was the Deacon. A man of powerful status who attends coronations of any kind around the world, blesses them and crowns them.

Him and other men in similar robes walked in with candles and a tall cross. They separated into two lines in front of the high pews on the left and right. The crown on a purple pillow was handed to the Deacon with the Demrian Imperial Crown from one of the young men, then placed on a gold table beside him which also had the scepter and the orb, and walked off to join one of the lines.

Then the men started to sing as a choir, Christian hymns as George walked in with Erskine and Faren holding his cloak as he walked down the aisle with Peter by Georges side. The people in the pews were signaled by one of the singing men to start singing and they did. The room was filled with a wonderful melody.

They quieted down when George strode over to the throne, and sat down on top of most of the cloak, while the other half was wrapped around and rested on the ground. Erskine and Faren walked to either side of George, and then Peter stood off to the side a bit more.

The Deacon put his hands in the air, turned to the rest of the people and spoke in a loud and confident voice,

"Today in the Kingdom of Demria we have the successor to the throne. May the deaths of King Luther III and Prince Tobias not go in vain, but through the leading of George they will be greatly remembered." The Deacon spoke. Then the people in the pews said in unison, "Let it be so." George looked around nervously. Everyone's attention was on him. No one else, this day was his and his alone.

He turned to George and put his hands over his head,

"In the name of God's grace I pray that George lives a long and righteous life following the footsteps of his father."

"Let it be so."

"I ask the people of various kingdoms and nations here today, to pray for George as he becomes king and leads with the higher powers."

"Let it be so."

He then lowers his hands and puts them on the crown resting on the pillow. "With this crown this young man is no longer a Prince, but is now that of a king."

"Let it be so." Was said for the last time.

He took the crown and hovered it over George's head, and George's heart was racing faster and faster, suddenly getting the memories of being just a Prince in his younger years, to now becoming a king. Something he was never supposed to become.

"Long live the king!" The Deacon yelled as he placed it firmly on his head.

"Long live the king!" Everyone shouted after him. George was then handed the scepter and orb by Erskine and Faren from the table. The Deacon stepped back and said, "Do you, King George the V of Demria, promise to the people here and out in the rest of the kingdom, your devotion and loyalty as well as fairness to the people and promise to carry out the will of God in your best favor and hold on to the promises King Luther III made on his coronation day?"

George inhaled sharply and spoke loudly for everyone to hear, "I, now King George the V, promise to be loyal, fair, and put my full devotion to the people, and to carry out my father's promise and God's will in my best favor."

The Deacon stepped back, turned around to face the rest of the hall, raised his hands again and yelled "Long live the King!"

And just like before, everyone shouted "Long live the King!"

"Please welcome, King George V of Demria!" The Deacon declared, and everyone cheered and clapped as George sat there smiling.

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