o n e - h u n d r e d - e l e v e n

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"You look gorgeous with you're little bump" trav smiles as we sit in bed, with my shirt lifted off my stomach as Travis gently rubs the baby bump

"Little?" I question, raising an eyebrow "your daughter weighs like ten pounds, I'm about to burst" I groan

"You still look gorgeous" he assures me, giving the bump a kiss, I place my hand on my lower stomach and gently caressing the area, catching Travis attention "Is she kicking?"

"Yeah" I nod, smiling "it's like she knows it's you, anytime you touch the bump, goes crazy" I wince

"I know you're excited to come out and meet us baby, we are too, but you have to wait a few more days, stop hurting mommy" Travis tells the baby softly before coming up to kiss me and cuddle me as we both rest a hand on my stomach

"Can you believe that in just a few days, we'll be holding a baby in our arms? Our baby?"

"It still feels surreal, it's like a dream come true, all of this is, you're my wife-" trav says but is interrupted by a knock on the door

"Come in sweetie" I smile

Kas walks into trav and I's bedroom holding a basket

"Mom?" Kas smiles as she stands

"Yeah pumpkin?" I ask suspiciously, I know her well enough to know that she's about to ask for something

"Can I paint a picture? On your baby bump?" She smiles, making me chuckle

"Yeah baby, go ahead" I smile "trav will you pass me another pillow so I can lay comfortably"

"What no, what if it harms the baby?" Trav says worriedly, he'd been worried about me the entire pregnancy, taking care of me, and making sure to read any pregnancy book he could to help me, and be prepared, but none of those books talked about paint

"It's just kids face paint, it's non toxic" Kas explains

"It's completely safe" I assure him "can you pass me the pillow please?" I ask, he hands me the pillow but I can tell he's still worried "trav, the paint is safe, I promise nothing is going to happen to the baby" I chuckle as I lay down a bit more comfortable with some pillows supporting my back and roll up my shirt more

Kassie begins to paint and I wince in pain a little as she does

"Are you okay mom?" Kas asks worriedly, stopping what she's doing

"I'm okay hun, keep doing your thing, your sisters just being naughty and trying to break my ribs" I chuckle

I don't remember Kas kicking me this hard, she would every once in a while, but this one's just out of control, I don't tell trav that though, I try not to compare my pregnancies because although every pregnancy is different, Travis has been a worrier and I know that everything that's different seems to worry him, so I try to avoid mentioning any comparisons to him

"Can you take a picture?" I ask Kas as she finishes painting "my cameras on the top drawer of my nightstand"

"I'm not going to find anything else in there, am I?"

"No", I chuckle "otherwise I wouldn't be asking you to grab anything from there"

"Okay..." she says hesitant as she opens my drawer "oh my god, not the fuckass filter", she sighs as she turns the camera on

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