Chapter 14: No One Else To Ask

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Above the massive front doors of Devratha Manor, an equally massive stained glass window gleamed in the last rays of sunset, illuminating the prismatic crystals of the chandelier overhead and casting beams of rainbow-colored light all around the spacious entryway.

Draped on either side with the Devratha colors - a stripe of wine red between the purple and blue of Valesk, the multi-colored panes of the window displayed two rampant horses holding an upturned crescent moon between their hooves.

The tribes who had populated the Devratha region before Valesk was united had been fierce warriors known for a seemingly supernatural ability to tame wild horses. They produced a legendary breed of war horse that was sought after throughout the continent, bringing them such wealth that even those countries that might deem themselves more civilized than the nomadic tribes of the north must avow to their dignified nobility.

From the central balcony at the top of the sweeping double staircase, Kazia watched the current champion of that dignified tradition, the current Prince Heir of Devratha, shamelessly teasing his family's blushing hostage as they prepared to visit a brothel.

While liveried footmen helped Kelvaran and Abrizhen into coats and gloves on the floor below, Kazia leaned against the gilded balustrade, desperately suppressing her amusement. It was all she could do to maintain an indifferent facade as Kelvaran turned a pleading eye up to her before quickly turning his face away. Abrizhen was having too much fun pestering him to notice.

As Kelvaran gave a final nervous tug to his gloves, two Alchemists arrived to serve as transportation for the outing. Kazia often wondered how highly trained Alchemists with the ability to cast portals, a skill not every Alchemist could accomplish, felt about being routinely used as a cab service by their wealthy employers. She could hardly bring herself to sympathize with Gorvan's Alchemists, but they were lucky he didn't make them go on all fours and put a saddle on them.

Linking arms with the Alchemists, Kelvaran made another visible attempt not to look at her, while Abrizhen enthusiastically waved.

"We're off!" he called up to Kazia. "Don't fret, I'll bring him home with his virtue intact!"

Kazia scowled, shooing them away with a flick of her hand. As all but the footmen vanished, several guards marched across the foyer and out the doors to file up on the portico outside, while others closed and barred the doors before taking up positions on either side. Kazia turned away to find Avetya wheeling a cart bearing a tea service and a pile of sandwiches past Kazia's personal guards at the end of the balcony.

"Is this for Gorvan?" Kazia asked her. "I'd hoped with everyone else away he might invite me to dinner, but I suppose he won't. Let me take this in. I need to see him."

Avetya frowned, peering over the railing into the now silent foyer.

"He's head down in the office tonight," she answered. "Probably best not to disturb him, and I'm bringing your dinner next."

"More than sandwiches, I hope? I'm starving." Kazia's gaze followed Avetya's to the guarded entrance below, and she lowered her voice. "Have you any idea what they're all doing? I haven't seen Madame Vysda all day..."

"Things I try not to know," Avetya murmured.

"Mmm... I certainly wish I didn't need to." Kazia grasped the other end of the cart and gave it a tug while pouting adorably at Avetya. "I'll only keep him a moment. Why don't you bring dinner for two and eat with me?"

Avetya narrowed her eyes warily, then sighed with a capitulating smile and relinquished the cart.

"I'll be in your room in half an hour," she said sternly. "Try not to annoy him too much."

Salvage ~ V3: Intents and Purposes (Steampunk/ Gaslamp Romantasy ~ FxM, MxM)Where stories live. Discover now