Jealousy and tight hugs

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Squint's P.O.V
We were sitting waiting as Brand moved the rock and bats were flying out. Someone wrapped their arms around me and when the bats were done I saw it was Mouth. I walked in the room first just to get away from him again.

When he pulled the Stef move I thought he had just moved on but then I realized he was trying to make me jealous. Well I didn't work, and now I was working on my revenge plan I'm not the only jealous type of person in this cave. so was Mouth and I was going to make him wanna scream, see if he still really likes me.

When I walked further there was a giant water fall. Mikey and I walked through it and we saw the coins. "were rich." data shouted "wahooooo!" I cheered. Mouth was naming the president when he said Martin sheen. Stef and him got into an argument that resulted us finding out that this was a wishing well. Andy told us not to take the coins it wasn't right. everyone dropped their coins except for mouth.

"Well this coin here is my wish. it didn't come true and probably never will so I'm going to take it back I'm going to take all these back." he said his eyes looked in to mine when he talked about his wish not coming true. it made me wonder what was his wish.

We heard a coin drop and realized Troy was at the top. every one scrambled to the whole where he was looking down at us. I had told Data my plan and that I needed his help, he understood and now was a perfect time. I tapped his shoulder and winked telling him the plan was starting.

I sat down on a wet rock when Data came and sat by me.Mouth was sitting by brand looking at us every once in a while. Stef and Andy were telling Troy that we need help.

We were whispering so it looked like we had a secret. Data was saying random words to look like he was talking I said "seriously" loud for others to here the said "him" loud too pointing at Mouth. I started giggling making it seem like we were talking about him.

I could see mouth looked slightly irritated. Data and I knew there was no turning back now, so we put the plan into full gear. I put a hand on Data's shoulder and started doubling over in laughter, he doing the same. I looked up in to his eyes to make it look real. there were never really any feelings for Data, he was like my third brother. not as protective as Mikey or Brand but still felt like family. I blinked then went for it. I kissed his cheek turning him red. now that I think of it I don't think he has ever been kissed.

I took a glance over and Mouth was standing up, fist clenched and was shooting Data daggers. Pure jealousy yay I had done it.

I got off of the rocks where Mikey was telling the others that since we made it this far we should keep going. we ended up agreeing and started walking forward again.

I walked with Data scared Mouth would hurt him, if I were to leave him alone. We were in the front so we were the ones to fall through the floor.

It happened quickly I grabbed onto Data's legs and his grabber invention held us up from our death waiting below.

There were shouts above us "Data oh my god, he was so young." said Andy.
Mikey and Brand called me "Emma, oh Emma please don't die." "Data, Emma oh no I told you we should have headed back." cried Stef. and in a low whisper you could hear Mouth whispering "please, squint,please."

"You ok?" data asked. I nodded "we're ok." Data shouted. "we will throw a rope for you guys to get down. be carful there are spikes down here." data called to the others. they were cheering and I sworn I heard Mouth thank god.

After Data threw the rope up, everyone came down putting us in a bone crushing hug. Mouth got to me first and he squeezed me the tightest. "I'm so sorry before with the pipes and Stef please forgive me." he whispered in my ear. "your forgiven." I said as I hugged him back. we then realized everyone had let go and it was just us holding each other.

We let go of each other but he still stood by me. I was as bright as a tomato. "pee break who has to go" Mikey asked. we all raised our hands. we decided boys room was on the left and girls on the right. as I was going in the tunnel Brand said something about Men's room.

I was first out and saw Mikey going into the girls room after Andy called Brand. I over heard the girls plan so I knew this was going to be good.

Mouth came out next and sat next to me on the rock I was at. he grabbed my hand and put it in his. "what are you doing?" I asked "not letting you out of my sight, you are going to be the death of me squint." he smiled at me the cutest smile ever.

"Do you really like Data or were you messing with me?"he asked. "I'm sorry I was trying to get you back,no I don't have feelings for Data." I said. he gave me a soft smile and I realized we were both leaning in. "they're here." we heard brand say. we looked to see the fertellies.

Mouth stood up and pulled me close to him so I wouldn't get hurt. we followed the other's across a piece of log. Data used his slime shoes to make the log slippery. good idea I thought.

We reached our next obstacle, with the fertellies close behind. if we made it safe out of this, then that will be a story to tell.

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