36 - Devin

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**Mature Content**

The kiss is searing and breaks down the last of those walls I built around my heart to keep him out. To keep him safe. It should be terrifying, the way I love him. A part of me is scared because I know losing him, even the possibility of losing Lando might break me. But I think it's okay to be a little broken sometimes.

Being vulnerable doesn't mean that we will break. It means that we feel. And being able to feel the world, through the senses, the heart and the mind, is the only true way to live.

Somehow Lando makes me want to live.

My body aches but not from last night when Dad attacked me. No, all that pain is forgotten as he touches me and I ache in an entirely different way. Lando's touches are light to not hurt me, but demanding as if he needs to touch every inch of my body, run his hands over every scar, and kiss every inch.

Lando's arm moves from underneath my head as he shifts to hold himself above me and I reach my lips up to his again. "Lan."

"Yes, Dev?" His words are breathless between our kisses. Lando moves his lips to my neck and to the hollow of my throat leaving teasing kisses along the skin there, spreading goosebumps over my skin.

"I need you."

The green in his eyes darkens and a sensual smile presses his lips. "Is that so?"

My teeth catch my bottom lip and I nod slowly as he brushes a teasing kiss against the skin just below my ear. "Yes."

Lando shifts again, pressing his knee between my thighs. His thigh presses into my core over our clothing and all of a sudden the shorts I'm wearing and his sweatpants are entirely too much clothing. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Dev, I don't want to hurt you. Last night..." he trails off and I cup his cheeks with my hands so I can look him directly in the eye.

"I'm not in any pain. You won't hurt me," I place a soft kiss on his lips and he kisses me back. "Lan. Please."

He groans, the sound deep against my lips. "I always did like it when you begged." I moan as he pushes the material of his hoodie up that is covering the upper half of my body and I sit up enough so he can help me pull it off. With my wet tank top discarded last night in the bathroom tub, it's only my bra that remains. Lando's quick to reach behind my back with one hand and snap open the clasp. "Take it off."

I lay back, not breaking eye contact with him and slide the straps of my black bra off my shoulders. I make the movement slow and watch as his eyes trace the movement like it's the only interesting thing to see. Gradually, the lace falls to the floor beside the couch and then Lando's hands are cupping my breasts.

"Fuck," I curse as he brings his mouth down on one and pinches my nipple on the other breast. He licks and sucks and then switches to give the other breast the same treatment. He moves, shoving his knee that's between my legs out to spread my legs wider as he settles between them and pushes himself up against me. Letting me feel just how much he wants this too. My breath becomes quicker as the heat settles in the pit of my stomach, spreading out until it's pooling between my thighs.

Slowly, like he's happy to take his time, he kisses down the length of my torso. His lips brush against the skin just above the top of my shorts and he looks up at me, his head level with my shorts. I nod at him because even now he's still asking permission. With a smirk, he traces his fingers under the material. I lift my hips and he slides the material off, my panties included until I'm completely bare underneath him.

Lando looks over me in a way that makes my entire body heat up. He looks at me like I'm something he craves and as if I am the only person in the world. I don't feel self-conscious as his hands grip my hips, one of them locking over my waist to keep me in place. And I don't get embarrassed when his lips meet the place where I need him the most.

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