59 - Harry | Intruder

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You Can Run - Adam Jones

I was in a really fucking bad mood and whoever had fucking dared to break into my house tonight was going to die very painfully and very slowly

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I was in a really fucking bad mood and whoever had fucking dared to break into my house tonight was going to die very painfully and very slowly.

I ignored Cleo and Zayn calling my name when I walked towards the sliding doors that led to the backyard, holding my gun with my finger already on the trigger.

After I saw the shadow moving outside and rushing to hide behind the tree near the wall surrounding my house, a few feet away from the pool, I just lost it. I couldn't fucking rest in my own home? No fucking way.

Whoever it was, they had to be extremely ignorant or suicidal to literally break into my fucking house. Zayn and Cleo were here, there was no way I'd let anything happen to them, so I was going to kill this person... and I had a feeling Louis had sent this stupid fucking asshole to spy on me or snoop around, he'd been quiet for too long and we still didn't know what to do about him.

My alarm system was clearly not working, or maybe I was so tired that I forgot to turn it back on after Cleo and I arrived. I had two systems, one for the house itself and another one outside, and there was just so much on my mind that I didn't even think about it, especially since we were sleeping during the day.

But this never happened before, no one was actually this fucking reckless. Maybe I needed to remind this intruder who the owner of the house was.

I walked out into the backyard and the lights were on around the pool, making the water seem a clear blue as I slowly stepped closer to the tree, keeping my gun aimed. I could feel the grass beneath my feet and I remembered I was only wearing my briefs, I didn't even bother to get dressed after I woke up.

I could hear footsteps behind me and I knew Cleo and Zayn had followed, but my gaze was locked on the tree... and the person was completely hidden by it for now.

But the moment I saw the shadow moving, and I saw a glimpse of a shoulder, I didn't hesitate to shoot.

My finger was already on the trigger and I pulled it, obviously hitting my target. The scream of pain that followed echoed around us and I walked closer to the tree so I could see who the fuck was-

Shit, he was running away.

The man simply ran towards the wall, holding his wounded shoulder as he probably hoped he'd make it out alive. God, I pitied him... I even considered letting him try to climb the wall and shooting him when he was at the top.

But no, I wasn't in the mood at all, so I simply aimed the gun at his head just when he turned around, realizing he was a stupid dead man walking.

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