13 || The Nerves are Hitting

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“I know that you guys have your first official game next week, but it wouldn’t kill you to ease up on the practices now would it? This is the second time this week I have to tape up your shoulder.” Jun grumbled as he tore a piece of the elastic bandage roll sitting next to him and carefully placed it on Joshua’s left shoulder.

It matched perfectly with the bandage already supporting his right deltoid. “Plus, how are we supposed to go out on dates when you’re always stuck on the field?”

“You’re the one who encouraged me to join the team- ouch that hurts!” Joshua winced, pushing his chest forward to try to avoid the pain he felt when Jun pushed down lightly on his left shoulder.

He let out a small pained grumble when he turned back to glance at his boyfriend, who seemed unusually happy about making Joshua flinch in pain. Jun knew it seemed weird to be amused by his boyfriend being in pain, but all he could think about was the way Joshua had laughed at him last week when he slipped and fell flat on his face after tripping on his own foot; this was just Jun’s way of getting payback for that.

The purple haired student smiled sweetly at the baseball player before lightly patting on and then ruffling his boyfriend’s dark brown hair. “Must you torture me?”

“Well of course it hurts! You pulled a muscle, did you expect it to not hurt at all because really Josh that’s really a foolish way of thinking. Also I’m your boyfriend, I’m basically allowed to torture you.” Jun explained as if it were obvious. He frowned when Joshua sighed and shook his head in response before leaning over his right shoulder to give the brunette a small kiss on the cheek.

Jun rested his head on Joshua’s right shoulder from behind and exhaled contently when the brunette laid his head on his own. “Does it feel better now though?”

“It feels better than it did when I first pulled it, why? Are you worried?” Joshua looked over and observed the flustered expression on his boyfriend’s face. The brunette broke out into a sheepish smile as he began to tease Jun. “You really are worried huh? Wow who would have thought you’d be worried about me of all people! You’re the first one to say you hate me and-”

“Seriously shut up! And don’t forget you still have to make up for ditching our date on Monday for practice. You can’t do that if you’re hurt so stop getting hurt.” Jun scoffed childishly before he stood up and rolled his eyes at the brunette.

Joshua joined Jun, with the pair walking off and away from the bleachers overlooking the baseball field where the rest of the baseball team was also starting to disperse and go their separate ways. Joshua beamed brightly despite his sprained muscle as he threw his heavy backpack over his right shoulder effortlessly. Jun squinted at his boyfriend from the side before muttering,“What’s with that smug grin on your face?”

“Nothing. You’re just cute when you get worried about me.” Jun avoided eye contact with Joshua as they continued to walk away, getting further and further away from the still busy baseball field. For some reason it irked Jun when Joshua knew exactly how to read his feelings, although there was a tiny part of the purple haired senior who was flattered beyond belief that Joshua could tell how he felt without them having to communicate it.

“You have nothing to worry about though, I’m nothing like those other guys; they practice way harder than I do, and they don’t have amazing boyfriends who help tape up their strained muscles.” Joshua gestured to the baseball field now behind them where a few of the other players were still messing around with each other on the field.

"I guess they don't." Jun mumbled before breaking out into a proud grin that was unmistakably the result of Joshua's subtle compliment.

The sweet moment between the couple lasted for a minute more until the brunet scowled and complained when Jun swung his arm right over Joshua's injured shoulder. The couple bickered playfully, settling only when the purple haired senior smiled and settled for just holding Joshua’s hand.

"Hey! Don't burn yourselves out, I expect you all to be home by sundown!" Minhyun threw his bag over his right shoulder before turning back to scold his younger teammates. In response, the younger students glanced over briefly to give Minhyun their attention. They nodded and then went back to messing around on the field with each other, to which Minhyun sighed and shook his head with a soft grin. "Baek, let's go."

"What am I, a dog? You can't just order me around, telling me when and when not to go!" Baekho protested loudly, rolling his eyes. He walked right past Minhyun who only smiled with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"And yet you follow me around anyway." Minhyun lightly jogged to catch up with Baekho, slinging a friendly arm around Baekho’s shoulders as they both walked past home plate and away from the school baseball field. As they exited the baseball enclosure and found themselves staring inwards at the field through the silver fence surrounding it, Minhyun shook his head at his younger teammates who stubbornly refused to take his advice and quit for the day.

The younger players on the team just loved the game so much that they'd do anything to play. Minhyun remembered having that much dedication in his earlier years on the team. Now that he was graduating this coming summer, though, Minhyun had different priorities. He smiled sadly at the silhouettes of his younger teammates before finally turning his back to the field.

“Eunwoo, you down to stay for a few more tosses?” Seokmin called out, waving his glove at Eunwoo. Eunwoo turned to see Mingyu beside Seokmin. The three were in the same grade and practically shared most of the same classes. It was natural they grew to be close over the years.

“Are you nervous for next week?” Seokmin's voice echoed across the backfield as he casually threw the ball to Eunwoo. Seokmin's voice was so loud that he didn't really have to make a real effort to yell to be heard.

“Definitely.” Eunwoo answered immediately. He turned to toss the ball to Mingyu, who was on the other side of the field. “Mostly I worry about embarrassing myself, or worse the team, during the game.”

“Well don't worry, you're all good. You can't possibly do worse than Mingyu did in that one game when we were kids.” Seokmin recalled, causing Mingyu to suck his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows while aggressively throwing the baseball to Seokmin.

“In my defense, we were eight years old, and I had just gotten pelted in the gut with a flying fastball.” Mingyu bitterly pouted as he caught the baseball Seokmin returned to him.

“Still, it was hilarious to see you puke on the field.” Seokmin turned to watch Eunwoo, who could only offer a nervous smile in response to his funny recollection. Maybe Eunwoo would feel better after he actually played his first game. For now, though, all there was to overcome were the nerves. Seokmin remembered being the same exact way during his first game.

“Glad someone enjoyed it.” Mingyu rolled his eyes, tossing the ball to Seokmin one last time. “Oh man I could really go for dinner now, ramen anyone?”

“If you're paying, definitely!” Seokmin tossed the baseball in the air and caught it gleefully before running off the field. The other two juniors lagged behind Seokmin, causing there to be a short distance between themselves and Seokmin.

“Hey, I know you're nervous but we're here for you. We're a team for a reason, Eunwoo.” Mingyu patted Eunwoo on the back. “Also, I am not paying for his meal.”

= = =
short filler chapter cuz i couldn't bother to write more for this one tbhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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