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Hi everyone,

Before starting the story there are some point you need to keep in mind just in case anyone of you is new and if not then just recall these points that you maybe have noticed in most of the fanfictions. So here they are:

1. This is the fanfiction of Park Jimin member of BTS

2. Every event, every personality and every character is indeed a pure fiction and has been created from the imagination of the author, so it has nothing to do with reality.

3. Just in case any of the event in the story meets with the reality then it would must be any coincidence, and should not be criticize.

4. This story would include some violence, death, curse and much more so if anyone who's not interested in these things aren't recommend to read it.

5. Last thing my work and my ideas should not be copied or steal or whatever you say it nor I am allowing it to translate. And if any of you think you can steal my story idea and create something more better then go for it, hope you would succeed.

        <That's it>

The main reason to write this wasn't only to tell you the restrictions but also some things about me

You guys might think I am a new product in market but actually I am not,
I have been in Wattpad for two to three years and it's just like I have never dared to write something of my own because for me it was something very difficult, once you started writing you have to drag people's attention, beg them to read your story and follow them even if they aren't following you at all.
So that's the reason that kept me away from writing.
But see I am willing to write don't know why I am just feeling so useless and bored so I just want to engage myself in something and except writing I found nothing.

I won't lie but there's nothing I got inspired from, nothing really inspires me at all so there's nothing . I just want to improve myself that's it nothing more.

So......about myself there's nothing you should know because I am nothing special and I want to hide my identity so when you don't know about me it's means the same that my identity is hidden. You have seen my name and if you haven't then it's "noonetocareabout" .
The only thing I can tell you is that I am a girl.
Just take it as if I don't want to know anything about you so you should also do the same.
When I said I have been a reader on Wattpad it means I just changed my account as my previous account was actually in my mom's phone so I was just using her email. I never got a chance to write because IT WAS HER PHONE.
And about my story so I basically started it in my previous account with a name 'death feels better' with only five chapters and seventy eight followers but I had to delete it as I got my own phone and email.
Many of you aren't aware of this story I know but what I am writing now would maybe the same but there would be some changes of course and just take it easy and pretend like it's new for you even if you was my reader before.
There's not much positive things about me but the one thing you need to know is that
I FOLLOW EVERYONE WHO FOLLOW ME even if he/she unfollow me later and that I keep my words.

That's all I want to say, it's totally your choice if you want to read my story or not, remember I am not forcing you and I won't.

Demon Of Death / PJMWhere stories live. Discover now