Chapter Seven: Heartstrings

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Ever heard of the phrase, 'Tug at Someone's Heartstrings?' I have. I never really understood the phrase growing up, I'd imagine that the heart actually had strings like a guitar and tugging at it was pulling on those strings and I used to be like...ouch. No wonder people say it hurts when someone's broken their heart. Someone pulled on those strings too hard and broke them.

I wasn't too far off I suppose. But then I never knew what heartbreak was until someone plucked my heartstrings and played me like a Spanish guitar, just tugged on my heartstrings and dog gone broke my heart. My stupid porcelain heart...and more than anything, I wanted everyone to know what I had felt ten fold. But a part of me knew they probably never would.


The universe started with a big bang. Or so scientists say. Small atom causes a huge implosion and the entire universe comes into existence. I guess that's how my universe came to exist and how Raven got to be the centre of it. Then again, scientists didn't know shit. They only wanted you to think they did and boy did they fool you. And boy did she fool me...

I hosed down my car in the driveway, thoughts of Raven crashing into my head. Memories of her laugh, her smile – they hit me hard, leaving me dazed and confused. But there were gaps, holes in my memory that I can't fill. Why did it end between us? What exactly did she mean to me?

Marcus, my best buddy since forever, yammered on about the game this weekend. He's all pumped up, but I'm only half-listening. Then there's Mia. Mia was an old friend nursing a crush on me. She's trying to flirt, I guess, but honestly, it was kind of annoying.

Marcus shot Mia a look, not even trying to hide his disdain. "You coming to the game, Mia?"

Mia rolls her eyes. "Don't sugarcoat your uninvitation Ford. I won't be there. "

I barely register their bickering, lost in my own thoughts. Why did Raven leave? Was it something I said, something I did? Or was it just fate, screwing with us for kicks?

Marcus noticed my distraction and elbowed me in the ribs. "Earth to Xavier. You with us, man?"

"Sorry, what was that?"

I shook my head, trying to clear away the fog of confusion. But Raven's face kept popping into my head, haunting me. And Mia's flirtatious glances weren't helping either.

I scrubbed at the car, trying to drown out the noise. Who was Raven to me? And why do I feel like for some reason she betrayed me?

As Mia headed inside to grab a soda, Marcus turned to me with a puzzled expression. "Ok, what the fuck man?"


"Mia's back, and you dump Rae," he shook his head. "Dude, what is going on with you?"

I sighed, scrubbing at a stubborn stain on the hood of my car. "I don't know, man."

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "The fuck you mean you don't know? That's weak man, even for you."

I shrugged, avoiding his gaze. "I just... I don't have all the answers, Marcus."

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Well, figure it out, bro. You can't keep stringing Mia along if you're still hung up on Raven."

I nodded absently, not really listening. Instead, I was lost in my own thoughts, wondering about the past. Finally, I broke the silence. "Hey, Marcus, remember how Raven and I met?"

He furrowed his brow, clearly caught off guard by the change in topic. "Uh, yeah, sure. You met in freshman year English class, right?"

I shook my head, a bitter taste forming in my mouth. "I don't remember, man. I really don't."

Marcus stared at me like I'd grown a third arm. "Dude, what are you talking about? Of course, you remember."

But I shook my head again, feeling a sense of frustration building inside me. "No, I don't, Marcus. And that's the problem."


As I wandered down the familiar streets of our neighborhood, Marcus's advice to take a walk echoed in my mind. Each step felt heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of unanswered questions and unresolved emotions. The cool breeze offered little solace as I tried to make sense of the turmoil within me.

Passing by, I couldn't escape the sight of ads for the latest dating app. It was everywhere, blinding me, glaring at me and yet calling me. It was as if everyone around me was moving forward, while I remained trapped in a state of confusion.

As I reached the end of my aimless journey, I found myself standing in front of a quaint flower shop. Amidst the vibrant colors of nature, a figure caught my eye, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Raven. My heart quickened with anticipation as I approached, hoping for a chance to reconcile our differences.

"Raven?" I called out, my voice tinged with uncertainty. But as the figure turned around, disappointment washed over me. It wasn't her. Yet, there was something oddly familiar about the stranger before me, stirring up memories I had long buried.

Before I could dwell on the encounter, a sudden wave of pain crashed over me, gripping my head in a vice-like hold. I stumbled backward, struggling to stay upright as the world around me spun out of control. Darkness closed in, and with a final, desperate attempt to cling to consciousness, I succumbed to the void.


The app's ad flashed across the screen, promising love at the swipe of a finger. "Welcome to Heart Sync," the cheerful voiceover chimed. "Find your perfect match with just a tap. Simply create a profile, answer a few questions, and let our algorithm do the rest. It's never been easier to find love!"

As the ad continued, showcasing happy couples laughing over candlelit dinners and strolling hand in hand through picturesque parks, his gaze remained fixed on the screen. The familiar pang of loneliness tugged at his heartstrings, a reminder of the void that had yet to be filled.

Sighing, he tapped the screen to dismiss the ad, his mind drifting to the events of the day.

With a resigned sigh, he reached for his phone, his fingers hovering over the app store icon. HeartSync stared back at him, its colorful logo beckoning him to take a chance on love. But he hesitated.

Was he really ready to put himself out there again? The wounds of past relationships still felt raw, the memories of heartbreak still too fresh. And yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope flickered, a tiny flame refusing to be extinguished.

With a determined nod, he made his decision. If nothing else, maybe this could be the start of something new. With trembling fingers, he tapped the download button, steeling himself for whatever the future held in store.

"HeartSync," the woman said.

"Where Every Swipe Sparks a Story."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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